Album password not working

I've set an password to one of my albums.
I have set only the password without user.
I want only a passwort protection to the album.

So far so good, but if i enter the password on the gallery site it doesn't work. I get always the message the password was not correct and i can't see the album.

Is there a need to create a guest user or something like that?
In the user management i have only the admin user.


  • No, but there is a bug in 1.4.3 such that the value saved for an album password is double encrypted.

    You will need to update to the nightly build and will also have to sava again all album passwords created on 1.4.3.
  • Thanks.
    When will be the next stable build released with this fix?
    Any ETA?
  • Should happen Wednesday, So I guess that means that the nightly builds must be pretty stable.

    Seriously, Nothing but bug fixes go into these builds, so you should have no issue using them if you need a fix. Obviously the old addage does apply, though. "If it is not broken, don't fix it."
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