Changing gallery url when using 'pages' homepage


Sorry for wasting your time, I should know how to do this as I have done it before but I can't remember.

Using a duplicate of the zenpage theme, zenpage plugin enabled, print_album_menu plugin enabled.

In the zenpage theme options I have changed the homepage to a unpublished 'pages' page, which works fine. I then have print_album_menu giving me the gallery/album links in the sidebar but I can figure out how to make the 'gallery index' link go to the gallery and not the homepage.

I know I have to change a url to mysite/page/gallery but where do I change this? I have looked in the theme tutorials but still I can't remember:-(




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I fear that is not possible. as the gallery page is just a normal custom theme page (/page/gallery) that is actually outside the actual management.

    You would have to switch to the menu_manager to create a custom menu. Then Zenpage theme has support for that and will switch if you enabled it to use a default set you can modify.
  • acrylian,

    Thanks for that, I will try the menu_manager, perhaps that is what I used before.

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