How to get latest photos on the frontpage

I've been using zenpage template for over a year now to run my photo album . How do I get the newest images to appear on the main page just above where the category listing start? Is there an option?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You have to modify your theme using function the image_album_statistics plugin provides. In this case printLatestImages. See the documentation about how to set that.
  • Do I just modify index.php and add the code in?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The categories are in the sidebar so you would get it on all pages.
  • Hiya Archbob,

    How did you get the 5 pics lined up under the text and above the albums? Also the facebook icons?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If I may answer, the zpMobile theme has latest images built in for the index page. Just enable the image_album_statistics plugin.

    For all else you have to modify the theme to add custom stuff like facebook links.
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