Need help with mod_rewrite

Hi guys,
I'm trying to get next and previous links for my album pages. The album pages are using my modified show_highest_rating function (which I posted here a while back)
Anyway here is the code I'm trying to get to work:

`if(isset($_SESSION['album_start'])) {


print "nn";


else {


print "nn";


$perpage=25; // images per page


// Show images thumbnails from $st for $pp

function show_highest_rated($offset,$perpage) {


$size = '_'.zp_conf('thumb_size').'_cw'.zp_conf('thumb_crop_width').'_ch'.zp_conf('thumb_crop_height');


`for($i=$offset;$i<$offset+$perpage && $i<count($images);$i++) {<br />
print "n";


$filename = $image['filename'];

$album = $image['folder'];

$desc = $image['imgtitle'];

$totalvalue = @number_format($image['totalvalue']/$image['votes'],2);

echo '';


// Here: print navigators



if($offset>0) {


print "<< prev</a> ";



print "
next >> ";



// Load image list for current selected album

function load_highest_rated() {




// This album is in the session

if(isset($_SESSION[$pagname])) {

//print "nn";



else {

// Album not in session: load it from db

$aryImages = query_full_array("SELECT images.albumid, images.filename AS filename, images.title AS imgtitle, ratings.total_value AS totalvalue, ratings.total_votes as votes, albums.folder AS folder, albums.title FROM images AS images JOIN albums AS albums JOIN ratings ON = images.albumid ON = WHERE albums.title = '".getAlbumTitle()."' ORDER BY (ratings.total_value/ratings.total_votes) DESC");


//print "nn";


return $aryImages;`

And I've added this to index.php in the main folder:


if(isset($_GET['offset'])) {


die("debug: start param found");


else {



As far as I can tell the reason it isn't working is because of mod_rewrite (though I'm probably wrong so hopefully you can tell me what's wrong) I've tried adding this to .htaccess:

`RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/offset/([0-9]+)/$ index.php?album=$1&offset=$2 [L,QSA]`
But it doesn't work.
You can see it in action here
When you click "next >>" it just goes back to the page instead of the offset page.

Please help
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