Adding title for each photo


Does someone know if it's possible to add and display a title under each picture inside a gallery ?

I run a gallery where journalists can download photos of artists for a music festival, and it's important for them to know who's the guy on the picture they download.



  • Each image has a title field. You can edit it in the admin functions or if you set the title in the IPTC data it will automatically be imported. The title is used as the "title" of the image. You can also add a description for the image. Which ever one works best for you.
  • CR Member
    Hi, I know this is an old topic but I simply added `<?php echo getImageTitle(); ?>` within the `album.php` file of my template just after the main `image" title="« Click to view <?php echo getImageTitle(); ?> »">image" width="<?php echo $iw; ?>" height="<?php echo $ih; ?>" />

    <?php echo getImageTitle(); ?>


    Hope this helps.

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