main albums and sub album thumbs on index page.

Hi All,
first time post :)

I would like this on my index page:

[ALBUM TITLE 1] <==text only
          [A1->TH1] [A1->TH2] [A1->TH....]

         [A2->TH1] [A2->TH2] [A2->TH....]

..what I tried was a while(next_album()){ and nesting another while(next_album()) inside... but that was probably stoopid :)

What I want to do is to be able to accordeon collapse between different galleries so essentially I need their first level of content all on one page.
Is it possible in a simplish maner?

Kind regards,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is possible:
    Also please review our documentation on our user guide section.
  • vsPiotr Member
    Cool! Much appreciated!
  • vsPiotr Member
    dang, got an error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/suspects/public_html/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 306

    not sure why it's 'fatal' as everything works (no sub-albums but I can live without)

    My code is:
    <?php while (next_album(true)): ?>

    <?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>
  • We'll need the zenphoto version. That error line# makes no sense in the current code source.
  • vsPiotr Member
    oh sorry about that (me = amateur hour), it's:
    zenphoto version 1.2.2 [2983]
  • The function you are calling is `getNumSubalbums()` and it is being called when the varialble `$_zp_current_album` is not an object. This could happen if the function is called before or after the completion of the album loop.
  • vsPiotr Member
    is there a way to avoid that?
    As I understand it, I need to loop through images inside the album loop to get all albums to display on page 1.

    Is that correct?

    Should I update now?

  • You will have to investigate your code. Probably the getNumSubalbums() should not even be being called at all, maybe something left over from an album.php script you copied.

    The loop itself looks reasonable. It is code outside the loop which is failing.
  • vsPiotr Member
    yep, printPageListWithNav() must have been calling it.

    You guys rock!
  • Hi, I have a follow up question:
    I am building another page which is similar to the original at
    The only problem is that now I do need subalbum thumbnails to be displayed too.

    Album name 1:
    [sub th1] [sub th2] [sub th...]
    [th1] [th2] [th...]

    Album name 2:
    [sub th1] [sub th2] [sub th...]
    [th1] [th2] [th...]

    and so on.

    The theme's index page is essentially:

    while next_album(true){

    album stuff

    while next_image(true){

    thumb stuff




    I'm using Zenphoto version 1.2.5 [4022] (Official Build)

    Any clues would be much appreciated!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Within the next_albums loop you need to work with our class methods and make some code for that. Take a look at:
    First get the subalbums of the album and then get the album thumbnail.

    Also look at the image class methods:

    You need to be a little familar with PHP to archieve that of course.
  • Thanks Acrylian,

    I might just manage that although it's been a while since I php'd anything serious.
    Always up for a challenge though :)
  • Done!
    You actually already posted the solution here:
    ..I wasn't searching for the right keywords I guess.

    $subalbums = $_zp_current_album->getSubalbums();
    foreach ($subalbums as $subalbum) {
    $subalbumObj = new Album($_zp_gallery,$subalbum);
    $image = $subalbumObj->getImage(0); //link to frist image
    echo "imagegetAlbumThumb()."' />";
    echo $subalbumObj->getDesc();
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All right, far remember that thread. Searching is always good...:-)
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