effervescence+ remove random function of heading image

djoel Member

What do I have to modify in the following code to get rid of the random function and to specify one image to be displayed as heading image?

function printHeadingImage($randomImage) {
global $_zp_themeroot;
$id = getAlbumId();
echo '<div id="randomhead">';
if (is_null($randomImage)) {
echo '<img src="'.$_zp_themeroot.'/images/header_zp.jpg" alt="'.gettext('There were no images from which to select the random heading.').'" />';
} else {
$randomAlbum = $randomImage->getAlbum();
$randomAlt1 = $randomAlbum->getTitle();
if ($randomAlbum->getAlbumId() <> $id) {
$randomAlbum = $randomAlbum->getParent();
while (!is_null($randomAlbum) && ($randomAlbum->getAlbumId() <> $id)) {
$randomAlt1 = $randomAlbum->getTitle().":\n".$randomAlt1;
$randomAlbum = $randomAlbum->getParent();
$randomImageURL = htmlspecialchars(getURL($randomImage));
if (getOption('allow_upscale')) {
$wide = 620;
$high = 180;
} else {
$wide = min(620, $randomImage->getWidth());
$high = min(180, $randomImage->getHeight());
echo "<img src='".
htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getCustomImage(NULL, $wide, $high, $wide, $high, NULL, NULL, !getOption('Watermark_head_image'))).
"' width='$wide' height='$high' alt=".'"'.
htmlspecialchars($randomAlt1, ENT_QUOTES).
":\n".htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).
'" />

Thank you


  • Modify the file /themes/effervesence_plus/functions.php, line 152.

    I haven't played with this theme, so I don't know what issues there may be with breaking the layout if you use a differently sized image, but regardless, that's where the line is that prints the image heading for each of the theme pages.
  • Actually, I'll post the block of code also, in case you've already modified the file and it's not line 152 anymore:

    function printLogo() {
    global $_zp_themeroot;
    if ($img = getOption('Graphic_logo')) {
    echo 'Logo';
    } else {
    $name = getOption('Theme_logo');
    if (empty($name)) {
    $name = sanitize($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    echo "


    It would be the line that reads: echo '<img src="...

    Now that I look at it, it would seem that you can probably select the logo image from the theme options page, as long as you put the logo image in the /themes/effervesence_plus/images folder.
  • Well, now I've looked more closely at the theme, and I see which image you're talking about. So, now I think I can answer the question you asked, not the one I thought you meant :-)

    Perhaps the easiest way is to modify the function you posted in your original post. Add the following line above the one beginning with 'global $_zp_theme_root;':

    $randomImage = NULL

    That will force it to use the hard-coded image a few lines down. Now, modify that line to point to the image you want to use - again, noting that a differently sized image may adversely affect the theme layout. The line to modify is:

    echo ''.gettext('There were no images from which to select the random heading.').'';
    In the above line, if you put the image in the theme's images folder, just replace 'zen-logo.jpg' with the filename you use.

    Hope that helps!
  • djoel Member
    Thank you for your help. I don't have time to check it now. As soon as I checked I'll post the results.

    Thank you again
  • djoel Member
    Ok I've checked it and the code works perfectly. Just have to cut the image to make it fit...

    Thank you very much Blue Dragonfly!!!
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