I have installed the class text object plugin.
I have defined the zpmobile theme for mobile and tablet.
I have built my txt file, beloging the video file (mp4)
here is the content of the txt file :
<video width="80%" height="80%" controls>
<source src="//www.ormaa.name/zen/albums/Videos/alexis-9-mois-part-II.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
when I run my website ion a PC, using the zenpage theme : perfect !
when I run my website on my iphone :
the small thumbnail, just before seeing the video : nice.
the rectangle showing the video, in the page : too big.
it is bigger than what the iphone can show.
if I force the width and height to a small value : the video player is smaller, but located on the right of the screen, and a little bit out of the screen.
question :
how, where, I can fix this ?
can I add something in my txt file ?
can I update the theme ?
or oin the class txt object itself ? where it is ?
any help will be an enormous gift

I give my answer.
I hope it is a good solution. please tell me if I do something wrong.
here is my solution :
<div style="float: left;">
<video width="98%" height="98%" controls>
<source src="//www.ormaa.name/zen/albums/Videos/alexis-9-mois-part-II.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
on my smartphone, the size is ok, located on the left,
which is ok for me.
question :
how can I enhance this text file ?
I don't undertsand the doc of this plugin.
can I add something in that file, to add feature ? theming ? anything ?
The text object is meant to be used for, well, texts and as a workaround for using non selfhosted videos from services like Youtube.
I use the class object, because I had too many bugs with the jplayer, and the player using flash (I don't remember the name).
I was unable after activating this plugin to synchronise, and have my metadata. it was crashing my server always.
my video are long. between 250 MB to 2 GB....
now, I can build the metadata of the photos (I don't car about the metadata of the video, it comes always from a smartphone, with same resolution...), and run my videos.
- mediaelementjs : I don't found this plugin.
OF course FLash does not work on iPhones but that should be known.
So you did not find this?
no, I didn't saw that plugin. it is not liste in my plugin list
anyway, after disactivated all metadata for the album, it was still crashing.
I have to open a ticket, but I have no time right now (and have to find the procedure to do it)
so, faster way was to use the class text object
mays be I will try the mediaelementjs_player, but I am afraid to go back in metadata not usable on my web site.
my provider don't want to increase the memory limit. and I am afraid that 250 MB or 500MB will not solve my problem, when I have large video file...
I have to open a ticket, but I have no time right now (and have to find the procedure to do it)
You need to open free account on GitHub (sorry no way around) and then you have to go to the issues on the Zenphoto repository to create a ticket.
no, I didn't saw that plugin. it is not liste in my plugin list
Of course not because it is not an official plugin (despite being made by me) and therefore not included in the release. You have to install it yourself first (there is a text above the plugins list).