Hello. Hoping to find some help here. I have zenphoto up and running on one site without any problems. I'm trying to use it for a work project and when I type everything into the setup.php page and hit save I get the following message:
PHP Warning: rename(D:/Sites/mysite.org/htdocs/Galleries/mygallery/zp-data/zenphoto.cfg.php,D:/Sites/mysite.org/htdocs/Galleries/mygallery/zp-data/zenphoto.cfg.bak.php) [
function.rename]: File exists in

\Sites\mysite.org\htdocs\Galleries\mygallery\zp-core\setup\setup-functions.php on line 595
I'm kind of hung up on the

/ bit. I'm working on a private server vs hosting someplace like Godaddy. Everything seemed to connect just fine for everything else that I've done on Filezilla.
Is this a permissions thing? I have not used any 3rd party installation solutions.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
- `zenphoto.cfg.bak.php` (backup file)
- `zenphoto.cfg.php` (the actual config file that matters).
You can create `zenphoto.cfg.php` manually as well if it does not work. The template file is within `/zp-core`. Just copy and rename it manually and fill in the right credentials. Then run setup.
So first try changing the permissions on:
- zenphoto.cfg.bak.php (backup file)
- zenphoto.cfg.php (the actual config file that matters).
and otherwise manually create zenphoto.cfg.php. What would I rename the file to?
Still having the same problem, though. The permissions on the folders don't seem to make a difference. I've manually added zenphoto.cfg.php to /zp-core and I get the same string of errors.
When I look for zp-data/zenphoto.cfg.bak.php there isn't anything there. I guess these files are suppose to be auto-generated during setup?
But I think I should back up a step. I do have one other thing popping up when I try to run the install.
On the initial setup screen, I have the following:
(red and white circle)PHP MySQLi support [is not installed]
(red and white circle)PHP PDO_MySQL support [is not installed]
(red and white circle)PHP MySQL support [is not installed]
(red circle with an X)Database credentials in configuration file. (so it isn't reading my info)
Error! Database setup reported: No supported databases.
Setup doesn't allow me to chose which database engine to use. I've filed in the cfg file appropriately and was hoping it would populate. No dice.
PHP and MySQL were just added to our site. When I look in phpmyadmin everything looks just fine. I ran a php test file on our site and that works just fine.
Otherwise those errror are about PHP tp MySQL handlers to simplify it and those are missing. Zenphoto (and pretty much any other CMS with PHP and MySQL) needs those to communicate.
You should contact your host about that as this is server configuration.