Hi folks,
Zenphoto [12ad1f92fa]
I have 2 install of Zenphoto, one one my home server and one on a shared hosting server.
Both installed from the same download package.
On my home server under
Theme / Standard options the Thumb size is 298 and has the text, Standard thumbnails will be scaled to 298 pixels
On the shared host server the Thumb size is 100 and text says 100px
Seems a bit weird.
Same theme zpBase
Anyway my question is where can I find the code that controls this ??
I want to bring the hosted servers size up to that of the home server.
I had a hunt through the zp-core files yesterday but couldn't find anything that looked right.
I'm no coder but can make some sense of code I see ....
I'm in awe of those that create this lovely beast called Zenphoto

I have no problems changeing any file or database entry.
The current site is just a stop gap till 1.5 comes out and I will strip all files off the hosted server and start again.
All help appreciated.
Try changing the max-width setting, the thumb size should change as well. If not there is something wrong with the installation of zpBase or mismatch version compatability.
This is controlled in the theme's theme_options.php and functions.php files.
I thought I had all the settings the same on both, but of course I may be wrong
Will have a look later on when I get home.
zpBase is a neat theme, thank you for creating it and the earlier now non working themes.
I'm looking forward to the new version of Zenphoto and zpBase.
You clever coders do all the stuff I can't even start to think my way around.
I can then work out how to break it
Maybe not in all details as I could not test all but the general issues should be resolved.
acrylian, yes I was wrong to say "non working", I should have said not working as well as they did.
I've used a modified version of zpFocus for ages.
Things change and for those of you who code Zenphoto and the themes as a hobby I am grateful.
Back to the original question.
On my home server I change the max-width setting and the thumb size changes, also the size in the standard options changes.
All is fluid as it is designed as.
Quite amazing how as you change the browser window size the thumbs and layout changes.
Changing the thumb size in the themeoptions file doesn't do anything.
On my hosted server changing the max-width value still leaves me with 100px wide thumbs, the value is now set at 1200.
Altering the themes / default / themeoptions.php file
setThemeOptionDefault('thumb_size', 100); to 300 changes nothing.
Either viewing from the back end theme options page or the web page thumb size.
Both Zenpage and zpBase are from the same .zip's on home and web servers.
I guess possibly a buggy install of Zenpage, but it seemed fine when I installed it.
I guess no big worry, will wait for the new Zenphoto version and zpBase and work out how I can break things from there
But would be nice to have the bigger thumbs ... 100px at current browser resolutions looks a tad strange.
As always all thoughts appreciated and will be tried.
that is obviously for the "default" theme, not zpbase. You shouldn't have to edit any of the theme files anyway. I suspect you have made theme modifications that is causing your issue.