I got my website all figured out with Zenphoto; I'm using a modified version of simple+ (Which is excellent), but it doesn't seem that it has included RSS at all. I'm wondering if it would be fairly simple to add RSS to this theme, and if so if I could be pointed in the right direction.
For further details on that functions take a look at our functions guide on zenphoto.org
I'm looking at the rss.php script, but I'm just not good enough at php to know how to change the code to make it work. Any help?
<?php echo $images['title']; ?>
<?php echo '<![CDATA[http://'.$host.WEBPATH.$albumpath.$images['folder']. ']]>';?>
<?php echo '<![CDATA[<a title="'.$images['title'].' in '.$images['albumtitle'].'" href="http://'.$host.WEBPATH.$albumpath.$images['folder'].'">
<?php echo $images['title']; ?>
<?php echo '<![CDATA[http://'.$host.WEBPATH.$albumpath.$images['folder']. ']]>';?>
<?php echo $images['date']; ?>