Well after two weeks of trail and error since I’m no php programmer I’m starting to get the hang of it

My theme it not so much about design right now since I first wanted some basic functionality; here what I added;
1)I personally hate paging of thumbs and always find my self looking for the show more option I added a “show all thumbs�? and “show all albums�?.
2)For slideshow reasons we need a current image number so after that … yess a slideshow with a nice but simple and effective fade out/in effect ! thinking of a simple 3line lightbox but I kind a liked it the waqy it is right now. maybe in the furture when I will swtich to a lighter theme.
Al is done in a plugin.php with no altering of the original files, so maybe in the future this will help for upgrading and sharing uppon a none beta release.
Let me know what you think

still hungry for that exif, rss, and tags in that next release
Nice job here. I like the "show all thumbnails" feature too. (although on my dialup it takes awhile to load the page
Great photography on your part. Keep up the good work. I'm appreciative of what people are doing for Zenphoto so that I can take advantage of it!
Your theme is really great. The design, especially the dark grey is the best way to enhance your photos.
The “show all thumbs�? and “slideshow�? functions are really convenient.
Do you plan to release your theme for download ?
I would really be interested to get the “show all thumbs�? and “slideshow�? functions for my own gallery.
kepp up the good work !
I have read this page about 20 times but think I am going nuts, why cant I find the download link?
Can someone point out my stupidity...
Please release it! What are you waiting for after 3 months?
Please release it! What are you waiting for after 3 months? [/quote]
123 This theme looks awesome, cannot wait for the release.
Yeah, the new image stuff is fun to play with. Enjoy
I'm looking forward to your release as well. After getting random images and exif working myself, I am very much enamored with your slideshow capability.
If you're looking for similar functionality, Skwid and I have built the slideshow features and show all thumbnails into the Thinkdreams theme. Skwid is continuing to tweak the theme as he goes. We also have the reflection.js library in there, and he's got watermarking features too. You might want to check it out. It's based on stopdesign, but modified. I've also built a variant based on the wordpress hemingway theme.
feel free to use and abuse no CC license here but it would be great to post back any code reviews on my theme since I'm no expert on php given the alteration of the zp-config.php one of you might know a better way of doing this so all one needs to do is add the theme include (which I imagine will be a plugin.php on the final release of zenphoto).
that's it - enjoy.
i've edited all as was described. put the mod rewrite on false. but still i get this error
Notice: Undefined index: index in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/zen/zp-config.php on line 104
Notice: Undefined index: index in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/zen/zp-config.php on line 109
Notice: Undefined index: view in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/zen/zp-config.php on line 116
Notice: Undefined index: view in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/zen/zp-config.php on line 121
Notice: Undefined index: index in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/themes/cimi/index.php on line 6
Notice: Undefined index: index in /www/websites/roeltje.com/scarfication.roeltje.com/zenphoto/themes/cimi/index.php on line 10.
it has to do something with the index being undifined
thnx in advandce
this ofcource does not solve the problem in de theme code for regestering global vars but at least your gallery wil run untill a fix is posted.