Hello dear Forum users
i have a really strange Problem.
i installed the latest Version of zen photo and did some testing with the user mgmnt.
then i tried to Register a user, which worked, and then ro reset the Password via lost my Password function.
i recieve the email but when i click on the link it just Shows me the Login Screen with no Chance to Change or set a new pw somewhere. can you please help me to solve this issue?
furthermore if you don't insert a security question (which i first have to find out, how users can do this on registrateion it Shows the question, how many fishes would fishermen catch if he could or something, and who should know the answer on such a question?

thanks in advance
The email link should direct you to the user-admin page where you'll be able to change all credentials and specify a challenge question and response.
The login form should probably not present a bogus challenge question when none is set by the user. I'll discuss that with the team.
thanks for your answer!
i'm not talking about the admin login. i tested it with creating a normal user, with the registration link. the registration and the richts which were set were all correct, then i tried the function with the normal user, there is just shows me the login window. but nowhere any options to set a new password or such thing!
the issue with the bogus question .. hmm i don't know where it came from but it just asked me this, and i was wtf .. furthermore i can't remember to set a question an a specific answer as i created the user.
thanks in advance, i'll test it again, but i'm pretty sure that iw still won't work
for me it isn't a big problem because i store all my pw's in a kee pass file, but for normal registered user which make a quick registration and maybe forget their password after a week ..
the only thing that works is in case when an user can't login anymore is to reset the password via admin panel, but this is really uncomfty to do so, because they have to contact me via email
thanks in advance guys and keep up the good work!
Are you sure you followed the right link? The link should arrive in the user account page of the user that requested the reset. If it does not your mail program might have broken the link. Then any request to a backend link will arrive on the general login form naturally. The link is a bit longer and some mail programs do that if it is over more than one line.
Thank you for your answer, and for your effort testing it.
I tried to open the link in IE and firefox, i'm working with gmail (so i guess that shouldn't be a problem, because i think gmail is one of the most reliable email provider) i even copied the whole link with copy / paste, ant not just clicking on it.
this behaviour is really strange, because the whole setup wasn't a big deal and it worked all fine.
if i click on the link or copy and paste it it just shows me the login screen, and i'm at the beginning again where i coul'd click then to change the password.
noone else have this problem? hmm strange
but maybe you can try it by yourself?
the site only has testcontent at the moment, but for trying it should do the trick.
thank you
is it possible that you will be redirected to the actual gallery after registration?
so registration
-> confirmation link
-> redirect to gallery
or login to site
-> redirect directly to gallery
instead of
register / login to site
-> redirect to admin panel
-> get the message i don't have the proper rights
-> click on view gallery to get there
Thank you so much i'm a little lost because i'm not that good at php and stuff ^^
Install that like any other update
The wrong redirection I could not reproduce. Make sure that the user has user rights so it is allowed to change its own account at all.
thanks for the update, i just updated my zen photo. but no changes at all. password reset still points me only to the login screen
and the bogus question is still there
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood ^^
but thanks anyway, somehow i can't make it work hmpf
To reset you first access the normal login form (yourdomain.com/admin). There click on "I forgot my passord" below. then you get a new form. Click on the link below "Request reset via mail". Then enter your user id, the captcha and then "Request password reset".
Since I didn't code this plugin I have to investigate what this bogus question is supposed to do at all. I admit this is a plugin I rarely use myself.
concerning the bogus issue, that's not the problem.
However that a users cannot change his own password is probably because you didn't set the General > User right on the default rights of the register_user plugin. Without the warning about not having the rights to access admin function is correct.
with this right set it worked! anyhow it's a bit confusing that you get on the infopage as user where you can see your rights (even if you can't change them) and then you have to click on see gallery, instead of getting forwarded to the gallery directly!
but that should do the trick!
anyhoe is there a option where you can change the pw when you're logged in and browsing the galleries, or just at the start right after the login!
thank you very much!
If a user has "user" rights he can change his password himself any time right on his user account.
thank you very much! have a good one!