albums with subalbums list without context

tazran Member

im trying to create a 'list' (formatted by span tags) of all the albums and there respective subalbums on all pages (index, albums, album-images, image) context insensitive. this is how i have structured the albums:

- albums/
--- january 08/
----- collection 1
----- collection 2
--- febuary 08/
----- collection 1
----- collection 2
----- collection 3
----- etc

and this is what i want to display:

febuary 08 - collection 1, collection 2, collection 3.
january 08 - collection 1, collection 2.

any ideas?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Take a look at the printAlbuMenu plugin. You have of course to style the lists it prints with CSS to get your desired display. The feature to show toplevel albums and sublevel albums always (and not context sensitive) is available in the plugin version 1.4.4 (which should be in zp 1.1.7, I currently don't remember exactly, otherwise you would have to use the nightly)
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