After one week of trial, error and no success, here I am asking for some support.
In short, I am attempting to customize the theme ZpGallerific (zpGalleriffic v1.4 | zpgal6), however I am having some problems. It's a quite sophisticated theme so I am probably missing some point. I read everything (I hope so, at least) and also checked the forum posts, found something related, however I just can't make it (code doesn't match and suggested fixes don't work, posts are one year old and such).
Any help would be very welcome, thank you in advance.
So the point is: I would like to modify the album behaviour and I would like the images in the gallery appear like the actual images and not 'bigger versions of the cropped thumbs' (i.e. original size (or even customizable, as long as they keep the proportions) ).
Right now, as standard, when you enter a final album you get to a page with a pretty row of thumbs below and a 'bigger thumb' is being displayed when you click on one of the smaller thumbs. Then, if you click on the 'bigger thumb' you get the original image over the webpage. I would like to be able to click on any of the smaller thumbs and to get the actual image directly in my album page with no need of further clicks in order to see the whole picture (then the css must be modified in order to make room for the 'whole' picture, however that part is not a problem to me).
As I said, I stumbled upon old forum posts that gave me some direction but no matter how much I tried to, the code just doesn't work (maybe it's too old and some change has been made since then?).
I hope I explained what my problem is in a clear way. Thank you a lot for any help and direction you can give me
My concern is mostly about understanding how to specifically work with zpGalleriffic v1.4 and its system) or at least how to modify the 'preview' images as that theme involves many different scripts/css/whatever. Simply changing sizes won't work and I tried many tips found on the forums and on the internet, however they were very old or imprecise and consequently I get errors.
I do not simply have to change image size, I have to make the album display the right image when clicking on the thumbnail, instead of a bigger thumb -I can't make up my mind since all attempts won't work. I am sure it's some little, stupid detail, but I can't make it and stare at my album.php all of the time.
This post http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=7431 suggested me nice tips, however while trying to do the same for the sake of learning, I noticed that
a) it's one year old
b) the fix suggested is already included in the js (just that it's commented now)
c) if I try to do the same and see what happens I get errors, so something changed.
If any of you can give me a concrete direction I'd be more than happy. Also a re-read of the manuals would help, however I am doing it all of the time already.. and can't sort it out really
This is the piece of code that can be found in album.php and I think this is the core of my 'problem' (may be, or may be not, I am unsure).
<?php while (next_image(true)): ?>
<?php if (!isImageVideo()) { ?>
<?php if ($zpgal_crop) { ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>
<?php } ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
<?php } ?>
and I think the 'zoom' thing is what I need. Any idea how to fix the behaviour of the gallery by modifying this code so instead of 'bigger thumb' I see the whole image (even resized, if possible)? Every time I try doing something I keep getting errors
I don't mind if clicking on the image you still get the 'zoom' thing (that would be nice actually), it's just the 'first display' mode that bothers me (let's explain again: by default, clicking on one of the thumbs at the bottom of the image shows me the 'bigger thumb' on top instead of full image. Then I click on the 'bigger thumb' and the 'full image' opens).
gjr will return but that might take a while.
Colorbox does work with this theme as well, pulling a sized image or original (set in options).
Anyway, I would re-upload the original files, and try the options....
For instance I also tried putting 'one folder per row' in the index page and it did not work by backend (don't know why, it keeps displaying 3 folders..). Maybe my files were corrupted or I own an old(er) version?
I will wait for the original files and change them and see what happens.
So far I had a little fight with CSS so I could put the image (current 'bigthumb') in the middle of the page and the horizontal thumb scroll on the bottom (so it looks prettier).
I noticed something has been done, by comparing the oldest theme files I own and the newer ones + by checking the forums, however it just didn't work and I am dumb enough
Will check your website later, hope all is well. Will come back here and let you know whether it worked or whatever.
In the meanwhile, THANK YOU, both for the support and the awesome theme
However, still the Options -> Theme -> Albums [ 1 ] thumbnails per row doesn't give me back one album per row. Not sure I maybe misunderstood the option? Why nothing changes anyway, no matter which number I put in?
These specify the Theme CSS determined number of album thumbnails that will fit in a "row" and the number of albums thumbnails you wish per page.
I am not using any plugin called 'static html cache plugin'. I just installed ZP so all is fresh and new and started working on the theme.
My goal is to get one album per row in the index page (not album page) and not 3 per row. Maybe that one is not the option I should check? I solved this with other themes by adding a 'br' or new paragraph at the end of each 'album print' (easy as it sounds), however it won't work here due to the different code, unless I of course rewrite the whole index page code (which is my next step once I got how the Albums - thumbnails per row works).
(If you are brave of heart, there is a way--by having your theme set the options for each script.)
Also, be aware that the static cache plugin is not a good idea while you are experimenting with your layout as it will indeed cache the page such that no amount of changing of your options or CSS will make a difference. Best leave that plugin disabled until you have things working the way you want.
I assume then it's just a 'reference option' which does not override the actual content in this case.
Will check it later at home and see what I can do. I split the index and album pages number rows/columns in the past but never tried to change those options. First time I do, nothing happens, so that's why I was confused. I still can't get it but at least I know I have to rewrite couple of things
I am NOT using the static html cache things, unless it's activated by default and it doesn't show in the list of active plugins
Also please note I always clean my cache to make sure I am checking a fresh page and test it on different browsers and sometimes computers, so I hopefully get to see the 'right' data. Hopefully ;P
Thanks again
Zenphoto has no way to "discover" how your CSS lays out the page, so it must be told if you want things to work consistently.
Anyway, I am back with the solution that worked for me, so in case someone else wants to do something similar and gets stuck..
I solved the whole thing by creating another style for album-thumb in style.css, associated it to the index page (or well, 'gallery.php' in our case) and called it album-thumb-gallery. Then I kinda just discarded/modified the height-width sizes of thumbs (and fixed something in order to make the page look prettier) and everything works like a charm now.
Thank you everyone for your help and the support