htaccess file

can someone post to me the htaccess file... was unable to create with install..

also, some strange things went on during install.. the chmod error and having to create zp-data was one, I am running LAMP on ubuntu with most current php and apache..

also, the script asked for 777 than it asks for 755 than it asks for a friggen circle..


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a template htaccess file within zp-core. If the setup script asks this it cannot determine and set the permissions itself. You have to do that manually then.
  • there is none.. I just looked
  • there is none.. I just looked

    If so, then you have not used the Zenphoto distribution package. Zenphoto cannot perform a virgin install without the file and Setup would have reported it missing when you tried your install.

    Note that there have been others with problems installing on LAMP/ubuntu and other off the main-line configurations.

    There has been some work in the 1.4.4 branch based on some user testing. You might want to give it a try--nightly builds development files.

    Regarding the file permissions: Setup is not "asking" for anything. It is telling you what the permissions are and offering you a drop-down list of possible selections.

    If Setup did offer `0777` and `0755` you are also not installing a very current version of Zenphoto. That might also have some bearing on you issues.
  • k.. I'll rollback and install a newer version.. I will rollback and installer a cutting edge than
  • does the root /var/www/myzenphoto have to be 777?
  • thanks for your quick the .htaccess working and correct directory permissions..have another question I will start in a new post
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