No, there is no script. As you surely know Zenphoto is meant to cache files when requested. The cache_manager is just a tool for really huge sites to do this before hand.
In any case your server does the work that most likely does not get faster if you just use another script. If your server takes 1 hour for 7 cached files you must be way too huge image resolutions on your server. You really don't upload 10 MP images, do you ? :-)
You can of course go the really inconvenient way to create file manually but then you have to stick exactly to the naming conventions of cache files. Then some waiting is better
Yes acrylian you are right on that part. Will have to go via channel only I am no way uploading 10mp files just 500kp max per file which is 1200px on its wide side.
My cache is 1 file = 7 cache file that goes 1900+ X 7 = XXXXX files for one time generation.
Actualy for google image SEO I am renaming all files and then proceed for further new images database to upload so wanted to go sure as it cant go again and again .
as my question is pretty related to this topic I add my question here. atomicmak wrote that he was somehow able to pre-create the cache using some function from the admin part of zen. Where is this option? Did you use cacheManager? As much I understand the latter this only deletes created cache files - at least I see no option how to start the pre-creation process.
The cacheManager is specifially meant to pre-create cached files. There is a button "cache images" on the admin overview page if the plugin is enabled together with the "purge image cache" button. All such utility actions are placed there.
There are also the same buttons on each album's edit pages so you can do that per album directly.
In any case your server does the work that most likely does not get faster if you just use another script. If your server takes 1 hour for 7 cached files you must be way too huge image resolutions on your server. You really don't upload 10 MP images, do you ? :-)
You can of course go the really inconvenient way to create file manually but then you have to stick exactly to the naming conventions of cache files. Then some waiting is better
My cache is 1 file = 7 cache file that goes 1900+ X 7 = XXXXX files
Actualy for google image SEO I am renaming all files and then proceed for further new images database to upload so wanted to go sure as it cant go again and again
as my question is pretty related to this topic I add my question here. atomicmak wrote that he was somehow able to pre-create the cache using some function from the admin part of zen. Where is this option? Did you use cacheManager? As much I understand the latter this only deletes created cache files - at least I see no option how to start the pre-creation process.
There are also the same buttons on each album's edit pages so you can do that per album directly.