Except it's not
Zenphoto has detected a change in your installation.
Your database software has changed from MySQL 5.1.66 to MySQL 5.1.66.
The change detected may not be critical but you should run setup at your earliest convenience.
You can see there the math is gone teh silly.
I re-ran the setup, twice, before posting. PHP error log is empty of relevant zenphoto errors (just has one where it says it can't install the .htaccess for me, which yes, I know).
The only thing I see in my debug log is this:
{25979:Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:31:48 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.4.1[596740f6519a92b55e371274624e4a922ff60676]
NOTICE: Constant DATABASE_SOFTWARE already defined in /home/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-db-MySQL.php on line 13
define called from require_once (functions-db-MySQL.php [13])
from require_once (functions-basic.php [151])
from require_once (functions.php [18])
from require_once (admin-functions.php [9])
from index.php [274]
{25979:Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:31:48 GMT}
NOTICE: Constant DATABASE_MIN_VERSION already defined in /home/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-db-MySQL.php on line 14
define called from require_once (functions-db-MySQL.php [14])
from require_once (functions-basic.php [151])
from require_once (functions.php [18])
from require_once (admin-functions.php [9])
from index.php [274]
{25979:Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:31:48 GMT}
NOTICE: Constant DATABASE_DESIRED_VERSION already defined in /home/public_html/gallery/zp-core/functions-db-MySQL.php on line 15
define called from require_once (functions-db-MySQL.php [15])
from require_once (functions-basic.php [151])
from require_once (functions.php [18])
from require_once (admin-functions.php [9])
from index.php [274]
{25979:Mon, 04 Feb 2013 01:32:19 GMT}
Sorry, I missed this reply for ... no reason other than I suck.
Reinstalled the files anyway though, cause it's not like it hurts anything.
(zp-core/version.php says on my server and a fresh download)
Tried that and got caught in an endless loop of upgrades and it said I HAD to make my folders 777 (they're set to 755, dunno why that's a problem). Eventually I flushed caches all over the damn place, including APC, and it ran through an upgrade successfully. I'm willing to chalk the cache crap to my server (note to self to turn pagespeed caching OFF for zp-admin) but that it refused to accept 755 as a valid folder permission is annoying. I set 'em right back of course.
And yes, `$conf['CHMOD'] = 0755;` is set in my .cfg file, which I actually just rebuilt off the sample, so I could be sure I had the latest settings
Bah, you guys switching to Git ruined my old deployment scripts
If you had not got CHMOD set in the config file then you do get a warning message to set the permissions. That message (as well as the notice if there is already a vale set) do explain what the values are all about.
I only have one install of ZenPhoto, and I was in the right file (when I changed settings in it for DB stuff, it broke as expected).
Files were 666, no problem. FOLDERS were 755 on the sevrer, but the upgrader yelled at me saying I had to make the 777. I did that, ran the upgrade, changed 'em back. It wasn't an option or warning, it was an outright ERROR, full stop, you cannot proceed.
I re-ran that just for you
I am 100% certain I have the right .cfg file (/zp-data/zenphoto.cfg) and I am 100% sure it says `$conf['CHMOD'] = 0755;`
DSO PHP is locked so php generated files are owned by 'nobody' - my cache and cache_html folders are owned by nobody:nobody, with 755, and work fine.
What's new is that it wants the same permissions on albums and zp-data, though. Previously it would check on the log files, and I can undertand why this is better, though frustrating for me
Well consider this resolved, in so far as it's not you, it's me, and I'll adjust. I haven't see the erroneous upgrade notice since.
It would be nice if it warned instead of failed, like "Cache is not writable. You will not be able to use caching unless you correct this..." and "albums is not writable, you will not be able to upload albums from zp-admin..." but again
ETA: I feel like the spacebar guy! http://xkcd.com/1172/
We use the PHP function `is_writable($path)` to see if the folder is writeable. I suppose that must be reporting that it is not in your case. I guess we could try to write anyway and see what happens.
The only annoyance is that zenphoto wants /albums, /plugins and /zp-data as writable and I ... don't
Like I said, it's probably just me, and that's totally okay.
(Original problem of MySQL being upgraded has gone away! Yay!)
Previously I made a data file for the various logs, chmod'd them 777, and let the logs run. Since now ZP creates them parsed on the fly and needs to delete them when you press delete, that methodology no longer works.
For ModPHP (DSO), the fix is (alas) to make the folder 777. I could switch to FastCGI, but there are reasons
(Sidenote: WordPress lets you do this with a very odd set of defines like FS_CHMOD_DIR and FS_CHMOD_FILE. No idea if that's anything to consider in the long run, as my upgrade process is now
1) Upgrade files via Git
2) chmod 777 albums plugins uploads
3) Visit page, run upgrade
4) chmod 755 albums plugins uploads
Not perfect, but it satisfies me
It would be nice if those folders gave warnings and not "You Shall Not Pass!" type failures, since ZP will work, just some things won't. It's a 99% thing
Keeping modPHP/DSO, I installed mpm-itk: http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/
This lets me run everything as the user, which let me change permissions back down to something sane and sensible.
Re-ran the installer, since PHP permissions had changed and it 'broke' my files in zp-data (which were owned by nobody) and ... I'll be posting the messy details on http://halfelf.org
But I now have my cake, and Edith too!
When this site was originally built (and I'm about to date myself...) all most people used WAS mod_php on shared. We didn't have a lot of sustainable options. Which is why this is not something I'm horribly concerned over. I mean, for most people, even on shared, the solution is "move to a different PHP processor." The only reason I didn't was that it would require a MASSIVE amount of work to rebuild apache with the right add-ons.