it would be very nice if there would be a front end uploader for the users which would be used to upload the media files instead of using the administration backend partially or the ftp. there should be full fleged ability of the user to upload using the set theme instead of using the admin backend and admin theme. A plugin would also do good if it is possible.
But feel free to provide a plugin if you feel this is needed.
Without being able to do it yourself you sadly have two choices for features you wish to see:
1. Open a ticket on our issue tracker for the feature. But there is no guarantee naturally if or when we consider that request at all. For this request the chances are not really good as mentioned.
2. You could hire someone.
But why do you want to hide that you are using a free open source tool?
Save the code as `zp-branding.php` and place it in the plugins folder.
Then activate the plugin.
$plugin_is_filter = 5|ADMIN_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext("Remove Zenphoto logo from the backend");
zp_register_filter('admin_head', 'zpBranding::customZpLogo');
class zpBranding {
static function customZpLogo() {
global $_zp_current_admin_obj,$_zp_admin_tab,$_zp_admin_subtab,$_zp_gallery;
if (zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
It works fine on my install.
Could be a simple copy&paste issue, often "kills" chars like quotes, especially in JS code.
You can replace the default logo with your own.
Hope it works this time ;-)