Best method for custom thumbnail sizes?

I'm using ZP as a video gallery, with individual identically-named images serving as thumbnails for the videos.

These thumbnail dimensions are 155w x 220h, but I'm having trouble getting them to display as such in ZP using the default theme. The "Thumb Size" field in the theme options just gives me some distorted and cropped images.

What's the best way in the backend to set custom height and width for all thumbs? (It would be great to see this as an admin panel option in future iterations too.)


  • What are your settings for thumbnails in the theme? (They are set in the admin pannel options for the theme[sic])
  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    Right now I have "Thumb Size" set at 220 and "Crop Thumbnails" unchecked. But they're still being cropped above and below & stretched even if I use printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace when calling up the thumb.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, the display of the thumbs may also be dependent on the theme being used. Some require specific sizes for layout reasons and even may override the backend settings using hardcoded sizes therefore. Also the CSS of the theme may require changes.
  • I'm just working off the Default theme, modifying as I go (so far fairly little). Do you know if that's one that overrides sizes set by printCustomSizedImageThumbMaxSpace and the like?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not that I remember directly but that theme is of course made to use cropped square thumbs so you might need to modify the css.
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