Hello all
First of all despite the recent security issues (turns out my .htaccess was hacked and someone had added malware in there) I just want to say what a great product this is.
I have customised it here and it looks really cool:
http://www.boatpartylondon.co.uk/zenphotoI have a question about the robots.txt and what i should be excluding in there?
Basically I want google to idex all my images. I want them to appear in the image search results and for them to be indexed.
At the moment my robots.txt file is:
http://www.boatpartylondon.co.uk/sitemap.xmlUser-agent: *
Disallow: /zenphoto/themes/
Disallow: /zenphoto/zp-core/
Disallow: /zenphoto/zp-data/
Disallow: /zenphoto/page/search/
Disallow: /zenphoto/uploaded/
Is this correct to meet my requirements?
Another thing is that in google webmasters is saying there are 326 files restricted by the robots.txt file:
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
URL restricted by robots.txt Nov 20, 2011
When i click on some of the restricted ones it says:
Notice: class-album detected an invalid folder name: Boat-Party-July-2011. in /homepages/41/d375827504/htdocs/Boat Party London/zenphoto/zp-core/class-album.php on line 76
Notice: Bad album object parameter to newImage(1-83-.jpg) in /homepages/41/d375827504/htdocs/Boat Party London/zenphoto/zp-core/class-image.php on line 34
Fatal error: Call to a member function getWatermark() on a non-object in /homepages/41/d375827504/htdocs/Boat Party London/zenphoto/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 532
Any idea how I can fix this?
If your sitemap is located there that would be correct. (The one Zenphoto can generate using the sitemap plugin would be in another place.
Ther robots.txt looks good so far (you should also disallow /backup). That the links are blocked is correct as you blocked all links to /zp-core. Those links are protected full image links (to add watermarks for example). There is no need to index these actually. The real full images itself are within /albums and the respective sub folder (the actual albums).
Not sure what you mean by:
Sitemap: http://www.boatpartylondon.co.uk/sitemap.xml
If your sitemap is located there that would be correct. (The one Zenphoto can generate using the sitemap plugin would be in another place.
The sitemap is there.
I will add /backbup too.
Is it worth using the ZP sitempa plugin? What benefit will it add?
Thanks for your help and speedy response.
Try it out.
I have just found out that if you restrict direcories being listed via .htaccess then you dont need to add them to your robots.txt files as above as the search engines follow the rules in .htaccess
Is that correct.
If you go to http://www.boatpartylondon.co.uk/zenphoto/backup/ the directory is not listed as i restricted this via .htaccess with Options -Indexes