No Plugins In Theme

I am seeking help for a custom theme that I use in my gallery.
I have been trying to get the zenfblike plugin to work and in the process I managed to mess up my image.php so that now it doesn't load any plugins :(
The ZENphoto overview page says that I have 10 active plugins:
• deprecated-functions v1.4.1
• flowplayer3 v1.4.1
• security-logger v1.4.1
• tiny_mce v1.4.1
• zenFBComments v1.4.1.1
• zenFBcommon v1.4.1.1
• zenFBLike v1.4.1.1
• zenphoto_news v1.4.1
• zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.1
• zenphoto_seo v1.4.1

and 16 active filters:
• admin_XSRF_access
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_admin_XSRF_access
• admin_allow_access
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminGate
• admin_log_actions
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_action
• admin_login_attempt
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminLoginLogger
• admin_managed_albums_access
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminAlbumGate
• admin_overview
o 0: zenphoto_news.php => printNews
• federated_login_attempt
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_federatedLoginLogger
• guest_login_attempt
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_guestLoginLogger
• log_setup
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_setup
• save_user
o 1: security-logger.php => security_logger_UserSave
• sendmail
o 5: zenphoto_sendmail.php => zenphoto_sendmail
• seoFriendly
o 5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters
• seoFriendly_js
o 5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters_js
• texteditor_config
o 5: tiny_mce.php => tinymceConfigJS
• theme_body_open
o 1: zenFBcommon.php => zenFBcommonJS
• theme_head
o 1: flowplayer3.php => flowplayer2JS
o 1: zenFBcommon.php => zenFBOpenGraphTags
o 9: deprecated-functions.php => _emitPluginScripts

The reason I think it's not loading the plugins is because before I started fooling with the ZenFBSuite I had the flowplayer3 working on the albums that had .flv files and now it doesnt. Also when I check the source code when viewing photos using other themes it has a section in green at the very bottom that tells what zenphoto version and what plugins are loaded like this:

<!-- zenphoto version [8326] (Official Build) THEME: garland (image.php) GRAPHICS LIB: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible) { memory: 128M } PLUGINS: deprecated-functions flowplayer3 security-logger tiny_mce zenFBComments zenFBLike zenFBcommon zenphoto_news zenphoto_sendmail zenphoto_seo -->
<!-- Zenphoto script processing end:0.3057 seconds -->

If I check my source code all of that info is missing.

If anyone can tell me what is wrong with my image.php I would be most grateful.
Here is what I have now for my image.php:

if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<?php zp_apply_filter('theme_head'); ?>
<title><?php printGalleryTitle(); ?> | <?php echo html_encode(getAlbumTitle()); ?> | <?php echo html_encode(getImageTitle()); ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>/zen.css" type="text/css" />
<?php if(getOption('zp_plugin_colorbox')) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!-- <![CDATA[
close: '<?php echo gettext("close"); ?>'
// ]]> -->
<?php } ?>
<?php printRSSHeaderLink('Album',gettext('Gallery RSS')); ?>
<body class="sidebars">
<?php zp_apply_filter('theme_body_open'); ?>
<div id="navigation"></div>
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div id="logo-floater">
<h1 class="title">" title="<?php echo gettext('Gallery Index'); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(getGalleryTitle()); ?></h1>
<!-- header -->
<div class="sidebar">
<div id="leftsidebar">
<?php include("sidebar.php"); ?>

<div id="center">
<div id="squeeze">
<div class="right-corner">
<div class="left-corner">
<!-- begin content -->
<div class="main section" id="main">
<h2 id="gallerytitle">
" title="<?php echo gettext('Gallery Index'); ?>"><?php echo getGalleryTitle();?> » <?php printParentBreadcrumb("", " » ", " » "); ?>" title="<?php gettext('Album Thumbnails'); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(getAlbumTitle()); ?> » <?php printImageTitle(true); ?>
<?php printCodeblock(1); ?>
<div id="image_container">
$fullimage = getFullImageURL();
if (!empty($fullimage)) {
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>">
printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, 520);
if (!empty($fullimage)) {

<?php if (function_exists('printRating')) printRating(); ?>
if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) {
<?php printCodeblock(2); ?>
<?php footer(); ?>
<p style="clear: both;"></p>
<!-- end content -->
<span class="clear"></span> </div>
<div class="sidebar">
<div id="rightsidebar">
if (hasNextImage()) {
<div id="next" class="slides">
<h2><?php echo gettext('Next »'); ?></h2>
" title="<?php echo gettext('Next image'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo html_encode(getNextImageThumb()); ?>" />
if (hasPrevImage()) {
<div id="prev" class="slides">
<h2><?php echo gettext('« Previous'); ?></h2>
" title="<?php echo gettext('Previous image'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo html_encode(getPrevImageThumb()); ?>" />
<p><?php printImageDesc(true); ?></p>
<?php printTags('links', gettext('Tags: '), NULL, ''); ?>
if (getImageMetaData()) {
<span id="exif_link">
" class="colorbox"><?php echo gettext("Image Info"); ?>
<span style="display:none">
<?php echo printImageMetadata('', false); ?>
<br clear="all" />
if (function_exists('hasMapData') && hasMapData()) {
setOption('gmap_display', 'colorbox', false);
<span id="map_link">
<?php printGoogleMap(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'gMapOptionsImage'); ?>
<br clear="all" />
<span class="clear"></span> </div>
<!-- /container -->
<?php if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) zenFBLike(); ?>

I did have a look at the Theming Tutorial but because i'm not a web designer i dont know what i'm looking at. I see that the Theming Tutorial has a sample image.php that i could maybe get code from to fix my image.php but I dont know what part of it that I need.

Thank you so much for looking at my post!


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Sorry but unless someone else steps in you will have to do the legwork yourself.
    You don't have to be a webdesigner to spot differences between two pieces of code.
    I suggest you start by comparing your image.php with the image.php file from the distributed Garland theme.
    A number of faults can be seen in your own post as they are colored green...

    Actually the flowplayer3 plugin is in fact loaded on your image.php page (As can be seen in the source code of your live site) has a section in green at the very bottom that tells what zenphoto version and what plugins are loaded like this

    That part is only helpful information and is not required.
  • Thank you fretzl for reviewing my post!
    I will try your suggestion and compare image.php with the image.php file from the distributed Garland theme.
    You also mentioned that "A number of faults can be seen in your own post as they are colored green..."
    What is it that makes them faults? Could this be my problem?
  • What fretzl means is that as displayed the parts in green are not valid HTML. However that may be an artifact of how you made the post.

    If you post code it should be enclosed in backwards ticks. Otherise it does get transformed and sometimes parts are interpreted as formatting of the post when you really want them to be shown in the code.

    fretzl's suggestion is your best approach. But note that theme changes do not prevent plugins from loading. They may not properly invoke some of the plugin functionality, though. This could be caused by omitted function calls, so would show up in a code comparison.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Ok, let me get you started.

    See this part in your code/post ?

    " title="<?php echo gettext('Gallery Index'); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(getGalleryTitle()); ?>

    The HTML syntax is not correct. There are parts missing.

    The original code in image.php of the Garland theme reads:

    " title="<?php echo gettext('Gallery Index'); ?>"><?php echo html_encode(getGalleryTitle()); ?>


    So, replace your code with the original.
    Repeat this for the other green parts in your post.

    My guess is that when you have corrected these errors, your site will be ok again. Not sure though...

    It also doesn't hurt to familiarize yourself a bit with PHP, HTML and CSS.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The broken/wrong code is surely only caused by wrong escaping as the forum software does interpret some html tags directly (noted below the forum btw). This is why some code is green (=links).
  • Also, what you should be comparing as fretzl pointed out is the image.php file itself, not the view source code, because when you're viewing source you're already seeing the script processed, so you're likely not going to see the error, only the result of it.
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