Adapting the zpArdoise theme, I want to have the album layout change based if the album contain panoramic photos.
What I have right now is some extra code in the header to modify the gallerific script, and similar code in album.php to alter the layout to allow panoramic photos to cover the width of the wrapper. I use the following to accomplish this:
<?php if ((getAlbumTitle() == 'LongScapes')){ ?>
A comparison of the results is here: IS MY QUESTION:
Instead of using getAlbumTitle(), is there another parameter that can be set. For example, could there be a logical field (true/false) in the database that I as a user could be used to indicate albums that contain panoramic photos? (I would like to have several that ONLY contain panos)
Thanks for any direction that could be provided
Since a landscape image must not necessarily a panoramic one the easiest would be to use a specific tag to check or one of the fields like custom data, location etc. to store a specific value.
Everything else would probably involve some more custom coding.
you have a similar result here :