I uploaded albums with 50 to 120 photos with ftp.
I miss for about 25% of the photos the description.
I don't use any sub albums
I only use standard ASCII without special characters.
I deleted 2 photos with ftp and uploaded them again with the browser. The description is still missing :-(
This is a basic function and i put all the descriptions
when i do the geo tagging.
How to fix it?
Zenphoto version [8157] (Official Build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
Current gallery theme: zpArdoise
PHP version: 5.3.8
MySQL version: 5.0.92
Model u790SW,S790SW
Description works
Model EX-Z1
Description don't work
Is it the "-" (hyphen) in the model name that I cant change?
Could be but I use "Microsoft Pro Photo Tools" to write the description and the geo tagging in the exif file.
This means all my pictures utilize the same description tag, with different text. I also see the tag in photoshop elements 10.
Why can zehnphoto not import them correct?
Here one of the photos (252kb) from a bird with description and geo tagging, zehnpohoto can't get the data correct.
But no worry. There is a plugin--`xmpMetadata` that should handle this. (Assuming that Microsoft has at least followed the Adobe extablished XMP metadata standards.) You will have to select the option to process `jpg` extensions which will cause the plugin to examine all your `jpg` images when metadata is being extracted. This does add overhead to the image recognition process, but there is no alternative except to use a tool that conforms to the IPTC standards.
The tags worked always fine if I use a Sony or Olympus Camera.
With the Casio, I only get the title, the camera data and the GPS data, but the comment was never imported in Zenphoto.
Is there any useful exif geo-tager where I also can create a description.
If you are the command line type of person look for ExifTool, used in most GUI programs.
You can set up shell scripts with ExifTool.
I made a bunch of them like "delete all Exif data except color profile, copyright" or "set date taken to today" etc. You trigger the script right clicking on a file or whole folder and bam, all set.
How long are your descriptions? How many characters.
There might be a limit you know.
My personal website (not updated for years now) still runs fine on it:
But soo glad I found ZP :-)