30% of all descriptions are missing

I uploaded albums with 50 to 120 photos with ftp.
I miss for about 25% of the photos the description.
I don't use any sub albums
I only use standard ASCII without special characters.
I deleted 2 photos with ftp and uploaded them again with the browser. The description is still missing :-(

This is a basic function and i put all the descriptions
when i do the geo tagging.

How to fix it?

Zenphoto version [8157] (Official Build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
Current gallery theme: zpArdoise
PHP version: 5.3.8
MySQL version: 5.0.92


  • The only difference I found with the same location, Titel, Description etc.

    Model u790SW,S790SW

    Description works

    Model EX-Z1

    Description don't work

    Is it the "-" (hyphen) in the model name that I cant change?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So do you use different cameras? Then it may be that some vendor does not exactly follow the metadata standards (look around in the forum and you find that often).
  • I have to use 2 cameras (Olympus and Casio), one is a point shoot and waterproof for snorkeling and kayaking and the other camera is better in the twilligt...

    Could be but I use "Microsoft Pro Photo Tools" to write the description and the geo tagging in the exif file.

    This means all my pictures utilize the same description tag, with different text. I also see the tag in photoshop elements 10.

    Why can zehnphoto not import them correct?

    Here one of the photos (252kb) from a bird with description and geo tagging, zehnpohoto can't get the data correct.

  • Microsoft likes to establish its own standards on how things should work rather than follow excepted, pre-existing ones used by almost everyone else. In this case I believe your metadata is stored in XML and not according to the IPTC standard.

    But no worry. There is a plugin--`xmpMetadata` that should handle this. (Assuming that Microsoft has at least followed the Adobe extablished XMP metadata standards.) You will have to select the option to process `jpg` extensions which will cause the plugin to examine all your `jpg` images when metadata is being extracted. This does add overhead to the image recognition process, but there is no alternative except to use a tool that conforms to the IPTC standards.
  • Thanks I will try it with the next album I create.
    The tags worked always fine if I use a Sony or Olympus Camera.

    With the Casio, I only get the title, the camera data and the GPS data, but the comment was never imported in Zenphoto.

    Is there any useful exif geo-tager where I also can create a description.
  • I typically use Adobe Bridge. Perhaps others on the forum will offer suggestions. As to why the Casio is the only one to fail. Maybe if Microsoft finds already IPTC data it will continue in that mode. I really do not know.
  • Hi my favorite geotagging software on the Mac is HoudahGeo

    If you are the command line type of person look for ExifTool, used in most GUI programs.
    You can set up shell scripts with ExifTool.
    I made a bunch of them like "delete all Exif data except color profile, copyright" or "set date taken to today" etc. You trigger the script right clicking on a file or whole folder and bam, all set.
  • btw, I remember something like that from my days with PixelPost.
    How long are your descriptions? How many characters.
    There might be a limit you know.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    So you are a converted Pixelpost user..;-) Seems that project is pretty dead now. Too bad I did look at that some years ago as well. Might be of interesst to you that I am working on a PP like of photoblog theme. Can't tell when I might get to finish that though....
  • Hi acrylian, yeah PP was cool. I learned lots things thanks to PP.
    My personal website (not updated for years now) still runs fine on it:

    But soo glad I found ZP :-)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yeah, PP was pretty specialized to the standard photoblog display. ZP is a lot more flexibile, I think (of course, I do..;-)).
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