Issue with page 2 and on of search results

Hi guys,

I'm using Zenphoto version [8326] (Official Build)

When I perform a search using two words with spaces, the search returns the results just fine, however, when I try to go to page 2 (and on), I get this: Sorry, no image matches found. Try refining your search.

I notice that the URL looks like this: /gallery/page/search/"crate+exclusive"/2

If I remove the quotes, it displays normally.

To reproduce, visit my gallery at and perform a search for: crate exclusive
Then try to go to page 2 of the search results.

I apologize if the answer is found somewhere and I just couldn't find it. Any help/direction to appropriate documentation is appreciated.

Thanks for your time, Ree


  • Ah, ha! I think I got it... On the Options: Search tab in the Admin Panel, I changed the Treat spaces as: to AND instead of space..

    Sorry to bother and thanks again! I love ZenPhoto!!
  • The url to page 2 should match with the search options. I do not have my test system at hand at the moment. Could you give some details? How do these words appear in your content? Are they adjacent? Tags? Anything else of note?
  • This particular term which I was searching for when I found the problem is in both the description and is also a tag. The term was: crate exclusive. The words appear just like that in both the description and the tags.

    This error occurred regardless if I ticked only Tags, only Description or all three.

    Basically, I performed the search for the phrase crate exclusive and the search populated correctly showing 88 matches and 5 pages. But when I clicked the >> button or the 2,3,4,5 buttons, it would only give me the "error" Sorry, no image matches found. Try refining your search.

    If you are around right now, I've changed it back to "spaces" on the Options: Search tab in Admin. I'll leave it there for a few if you'd like to give it a go. :)
  • Could you please try this on the BETA build. If I recall correctly we did have some problems with handling quotation search elements that have been fixed.
  • Hi sbillard, thank you for the reply. I will gladly try the BETA build, but please excuse my insolence for not knowing exactly where to find that. If you could hold my hand and walk me over there and point a big sign at it, I'll do it straight away. ;)
  • Goto Download tab, then look to the right of the buttons for download, you'll see a link for nightly builds. Select the latest trunk and run the upgrade like normal.
  • Thanks, Mike! Sorry, I've never actually done a nightly build, this will be a new experience... lol.
  • Ok, I finally had time to download the nightly build. Unzipped it an uploaded the files, ran set up... I still see the same behavior.

    I installed this on my test gallery which is basically an exact copy of my actual gallery. Anyways, changing to AND fixes it and I'll be sticking with the current version on my main gallery for now...
    I may do a clean install on my test gallery and try again when I have time. I'm happy to supply any info you may want/need.

    I really do appreciate all of your help and time!
  • Thanks for giving this a try. I will investigate and see what I can learn. I'll let you know if I need anything else.
  • Well, I did try to setup a test of exactly what you described. Unfortunately, it does not fail for me. If you do have time to try again, maybe try the same thing with the Garland theme--that is what I used. Should not matter, but who knows.

    Thanks for your help.
  • Thanks, I tried that as you suggested with no luck. The one thing that I find funny, is that the link changes when going to page 2.

    If I manually type the search into the browser bar:
    Returns results correctly, but when I click to go to page two, the link looks like this:"crate+exclusive"/2 (actual appearance in my address bar)

    (When I paste into the forum, looks like this:"crate+exclusive"/2)

    This returns "no matches found".

    I probably won't have time to do a clean install until next week some time. :)
  • The URL is actually correct. `"crate exclusive"` when URL encoded becomes `%22crate+exclusive%22`.

    So if you can there are two more things. First switch to the Effervescence+ theme as it will display the "target" for a failed search. That way we can see what was actually passed.

    Also check the settings for `magic quotes` in your PHP. Let us know how it is set.

    The clean install should not be necessary.

    [edit] I have done some more testing on your site. I am pretty sure that it is not handling quotation marks in URLs correctly.

    The search function allows single and double quotes and peck marks (those things we use on the forum to mark code) as quotation brackets. I tried all three and found that`crate+exclusive`/2 works, %60 is the peck mark. The other two do not.
  • I've read the instructions for magic quotes, but I can't for the life of me find a php.ini file anywhere... and I do not know how to edit the .htaccess file. Can I open it in notepad and edit it? I've just never done that before. Would I need to run setup again after changing the .htaccess file?
  • I gather then that magic_quotes_gpc is set? That could mean we have a bug in the search code. Needelss to say we do not test with that condition.

    Anyway, ask your hoster how to make changes to the php.ini file.

    Notepad will open and allow you to edit the .htaccess file, but it is not a good choice since it does not deal well with Unix line endings. I suggest you get the free notepad++ editor. It really is a good tool to have.

    But making the setting in .htaccess does not work on all servers.
  • Hello again, I'm sorry it's been awhile... holidays and whatnot... anyways, I finally had a chance to contact my host and have Magic Quotes disabled. That was indeed the issue! All is working as it should now.

    You guys are great and I hope you have Happy Holidays!
  • Thanks for your confirmation. I will look for the bug, then. This should work with `magic_quotes_gpc set`. (But we still recommend it not be set.)
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