Hi, could someone please offer me some advice on Zenphoto. I am looking for a fully searchable image gallery that can return a gallery of images and info into a pre-designed page. Is this relatively easy to do in Zenphoto or do I need a different solution.
Zenphoto is fully searchable and there is typially a search page for each theme that displays the results. But maybe the page is not how you want things to look. In that case you would have to craft your own custom page and cause the search results to be displayed there.
That will take knowledge of PHP, HTML, and some learnign on the structure of Zenphoto. For the latter there is a themeing tutorial and various other useful bits of documentation on our WEB pages.
For the purpose of testing, I have built a gallery using HTML and CSS. I have almost no knowledge of PHP so is it possible to format the search results into a CSS styled page? Also, is there a limit on how much information that can be attached to an image? Can I for example, search for Italian restaurants in a certain price range and a given location and return a gallery of restaurants images with relevant info?
Start with installing Zenphoto, choose a theme and then modify it to your needs.
To do this, the theming tutorial is essential reading. (`http://www.zenphoto.org/news/theming-tutorial`)
Zenphoto is basically PHP but you will see that all functions have understandable names and are very well commented.
You can create almost anything you like as can be seen in the Showsase