I'm just putting the final touches onto my first Zenphoto site and I have come up with an idea that I could use some help implementing. I'm fine with coding but a bit of Zenphoto guidance would be appreciated.
I'm looking to use a Media rss stream that will load a random selection of images when it is called. The idea is that I can use this to power my WiFi digital photo frame and provide the family with a fresh set of images every day.
Can anyone suggest ideas for the best way to implement this type of functionality?
So you will have to look at the exisiting rss feed and modify it to do that. You will have to code your own plugin for this. You should get familiar wiht Zenphoto's object model, you find a tutorial on the user guide.
Edit: There are already functions for random photos. Take a look at the functions documentation as well.
watch this space... well one in the plugins forum anyhow!