Hello, thank you for developing zenphoto.
I have many, small problems;
I use Zenphoto-Version [8326] (Official Version) and theme zpfocus and Have 2 Languages
en and de
1. under Options-> Theme, when I set Tagline in both languages, both will be displayed:
displayed so: a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:34:" The PS+ System";s:5:"de_DE";s:33:"Das PS+ System";}
Could you please how could I display this correct and just for one chosen language?
Your Answer helps me to understand Zenphoto more.
2. In backend under upload -> file I get alert
The page you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: zp-core/zp-extensions/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager
Image: ajaxfilemanager.php
Is it a bug?
3. hwo and where do I check, whether the user is logged in (I assume has session)?
I am loged in nevertheless in zenphoto/index.php <?php echo session_id();?> is empty!
Any help is appreciated!
#2. Please read our announcement on this release http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-
#3. Please review the theming tutorial and the functions guide if you are going to code with Zenphoto. Also you should understand PHP and its basics. Sessions are a data storage container that PHP scripts may use (or not). `session_id()` is a PHP function to retun the id of the session.
The function `zp_loggedin()` will tell you if a user is logged in.
Tagline as define in the zf theme: The text above the sitename on the home page.
Yes, it is specific to the zpFocus.
yes , I just thought it may be generally similar how to handle multi-language field.
thanks again