zpfocus:Tagline multilingual malfunction

Hello, thank you for developing zenphoto.
I have many, small problems;
I use Zenphoto-Version [8326] (Official Version) and theme zpfocus and Have 2 Languages
en and de
1. under Options-> Theme, when I set Tagline in both languages, both will be displayed:
displayed so: a:2:{s:5:"en_US";s:34:" The PS+ System";s:5:"de_DE";s:33:"Das PS+ System";}
Could you please how could I display this correct and just for one chosen language?
Your Answer helps me to understand Zenphoto more.
2. In backend under upload -> file I get alert
The page you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: zp-core/zp-extensions/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager
Image: ajaxfilemanager.php
Is it a bug?
3. hwo and where do I check, whether the user is logged in (I assume has session)?
I am loged in nevertheless in zenphoto/index.php <?php echo session_id();?> is empty!
Any help is appreciated!


  • #1 Sorry, what is "Tagline"? is it specific to the zpFocus theme? If so you should have probably put zpFocus in the topic so the author would notice. The display you are seeing is caused by the theme not expecting to deal with a multi-language field.

    #2. Please read our announcement on this release http://www.zenphoto.org/news/zenphoto-

    #3. Please review the theming tutorial and the functions guide if you are going to code with Zenphoto. Also you should understand PHP and its basics. Sessions are a data storage container that PHP scripts may use (or not). `session_id()` is a PHP function to retun the id of the session.

    The function `zp_loggedin()` will tell you if a user is logged in.
  • Thank you for your answers,
    Tagline as define in the zf theme: The text above the sitename on the home page.
    Yes, it is specific to the zpFocus.
    yes , I just thought it may be generally similar how to handle multi-language field.
    thanks again
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