My use of ZenPhoto

I think ZenPhoto is a great photo gallery and a pleasure to work with. Really like the tag functionality!
Have been working with it / on it for a while, but have finally finished!
The custom theme we use is based on the defaut theme. It was radically changed to look like the rest of our website.
It works side-by-side with a plant database programme I wrote for our society(i.e. Greek Orchid Society). The programme I wrote pulls information from the Zenphoto albums table in order to display thumbs and provide links to individual albums. ZenPhoto tags under the photo are forms that take you to my programme and display plant info.

Thank you! :)


  • Sorry, please strike last sentence('ZenPhoto tags under the photo are forms that take you to my programme and display plant info').

    Tags have normal function. Between image and tags, there is a link(that is different for each image) that takes you to the plant info page.
  • Nice looking site vstam! I know I enjoy hearing of people using zenphoto and having a blast with it, nice work you've done there. :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As said on the showcase topic already, I agree with micheall..:-) I would maybe consider to open the extra info in a Colorbox window or with a toggle/untoggle link below on the same page so you don't have to leave/return to the image page.

    Since I don't know anything about orchids, it took a while to see what are albums (orchid families) and what images in the sublevels (at least those are not Greek then I would have been lost completly..:-)). Maybe for new visitors an image/subalbum count could indicated that?
  • Glad you both like it! Thank you for your nice comments.

    Those two ideas are rather good, acrylian! Lots of food for thought.
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