A way to share pictures from you zenphoto gallery on facebook?
An easy way to be able to have ads on your galley? Or atleast some tips from the creators of Zenphoto on how to add them?
It might come as a surprise to you guys that has written zenphoto. That not everybody is as good as you are with php.
These questions and many more have been discussed here before.
Same goes for the Facebook question. Yes there is a plugin. But that plugin is way to complicated to use. Facebook has an api you guys can use. I mean facebook is one of the most popular sites these days. And to be honest that zenphoto hasnt implemented this is a sure way to turn people away from using it. And I bet that it would take that long to implement it using the facebook api.
Facebook: There are third party plugins for sharing.
Sorry, I know it uncommon on the web but you can't have all for free. We are volunteers and no company. If you really badly need a feature you have several choices:
1. Do it yourself
2. Hire someone to do it for you.
One of the main reasons I chose and love Zenphoto is that it's simple. It's not overly-bloated with ten-zillion features that you have to manage settings for before you can get your gallery setup. There are plugins available for many of the often requested features, created by members of the community like myself and others.
Also, the plugin system is a breeze to work with. If it's not available, it's not hard to get a plugin to do it, but as Acrylian said. That's gonna cost one of two things, your own time, or someone else's time (which usually requires money).
And, as far as the Facebook photo part goes, it's on my TODO list down the road, but time is almost never on my side.
Also, one question, what's complicated about the facebook plugin? Just curious as if you're referring to the zenFBSuite, it really is as simple as filling in some fields and putting the theme calls where you want them...
<div class="menu">
<?php printCustomMenu('zenpage','list','',"menu-active","submenu","menu-active",2); ?>
} else {
if(function_exists("printAllNewsCategories")) { ?>
<div class="menu">
<h3><?php echo gettext("News articles"); ?></h3>
LIke right in the midle of this. This must be the right place to put it.
printAllNewsCategories(gettext("All news"),TRUE,"","menu-active",true,"submenu","menu-active");
Nah of course not. Thats why you should write some hints to where to put the code. There are certain places you shall not put the code in. That goes for whatever them you use. Maybe you could tell those that write the themes. To add that in the php code. You know something like put the ad code here.
If you want to add something to your WEB page follow these steps:
1. Locate the place where you want the item to appear.
2. Put the necessary HTML there.
If these steps are too complex for you, then hire someone to do it for you.