My SQL error

MySQL Error: The PHP MySQL extensions have not been installed correctly. Please ask your administrator to add MySQL support to your PHP installation. I have created a MySQL database on 1and 1 web hosting. PLease help any ideas?


  • Please ask your administrator to add MySQL support to your PHP installation
    You mean any suggestions other than what is in the message you quote? You do understand that this is not a Zenphoto error, don't you. We are just reporting the error that Zenphoto got from MySQL.
  • Ah yes. I admit my ignorance. I updated the information in zp-config.php with the user name, password etc of the MySQL database that has been setup and i still get the same message. here is the results for the phpinfo . I am new to this any help would be appreciated.
  • Are you configuring PHP yourself? If not, do as the message sugests and ask your administrator for help. That would be the people at `1 and 1 web hosting`
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