I tried to upgrade to 1.4.2 but get always the information
You don't have permission to access /albums/zp-core/setup.php on this server".
N.B. ZenPhoto has been installed in "albums".
I reinstalled ZenPhoto three times now, but get always the same information.
I put the permissions on 777 for "albums" and for ".htaccess", but keep getting the same error message. Should I change permissions anywhere else ? On all forders and files?
In the meantome I put the permissions to 644 for files and to 755 for directories as you suggest in the troubleshooting. I managed to run the setup.
I found my albums again. But the images do not display. I see only their names. What to do?
But CATASTROPHE! I got hacked again. And again my pages point to <link removed>
I have pages (Zenpage) introducing each album and on these pages there is a link like the following. Do you think it is dangerous ?
The hacker manages to modify the .htaccess and to write into it the following (several times):
`ErrorDocument 400 <link removed>
The same happens in the .htaccess in the folder "albums"
As to the 0750 permissions--that will cause any direct link to fail since the final digit prohibits access by the public.
Yes of course, I had cleaned my site thoroughly and I will clean it again. Let's hope I'll get rid of this nuisance. I'll let you know.
I have gone through and removed all .htaccess files except for the one in the zenphoto directory - is there any way to generate a new one through zenphoto?
However, my site is still being redirected to site mentioned when access through a search engine. Is this something that google / bing is caching?
I found 12 htaccess files modified by the hacker on my server !!!!
Good to search also above www
I go on with my cleaning.....
In case it helps anyone else I had to remove yet another .hataccess file from my server's root directory and also the "www" file mentioned by Soleil above (THANKS!). Seemed to be this file doing the redirecting. WHAT A HASSLE!
Question I: I did not change my password to phpMyAdmin/MySql yet for some of my sites. If I do it, what would happen on an installed, working site with ZenPhoto? Do I have to run the setup again and make all the styling changes again?
Question II: Is there a way to know whether you have made changes in a new version to php files like: image, album, gallery, search... conatained in a theme?
@saltmine: I am happy that I could help you a little.
2. Only with a file compare.