I wonder if anyone else has run across this. When using the slideshow plugin transitions to the next image would stop after 3 to 7 images. I thought perhaps it was an issue with images being un-cached or just a timing issue with the script itself but I was seeing the exact same behavior with my test server and live one.
using Zenphoto version
jquery.cycle.all.js Version: 2.97 (14-FEB-2011)
I changed the file with the current one from
http://malsup.github.com/jquery.cycle.all.js that is linked to from the author site
http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/download.html and is Version: 2.9999 (13-NOV-2011) that seems to solve the issue.
This is with using the jQuery cycle mode and does not seem to matter if the images are cached or not.
Now to add in support for the .lite version...
Not big deal if it is already going to be bundled
Thanks acrylian