Howdy. My admin password (or any other password) is not working. There is no captcha on my login page so I'm following directions in the troubleshoot guide. I'm to the point of this (from the troubleshoot guide):
"If you are still having problems after following that advice you will have to enable some debugging to allow the developers to observe what is happening ...
"Now drop your administrator's table as described in the referenced troubleshooting article."
What is meant by "drop your administrator's table?" Does that mean delete it? If so, where is it? What's the file name?
Or what "referenced troubleshooting article" is being referred to? I see no article being referenced in this part of the guide.
thanks much / Kozmo
Item number 6
It means that you have to get rid of the administrators table inside of your database using a tool such as phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to administer your databases.
I'll guess that at that point when you run setup it won't ask you for your login anymore. Be aware that doing this will destroy all the other accounts in there as well. You may want to make a backup of that table before trying this then restoring the other accounts back to the database when you restore the master admin account. I haven't tried this but I would think it would work to export all the data except your master admin account from the old table and import it back in to the new one.
("I forgot my admin password, now what do I do?")
One question though. How do I run setup? I see nothing in ZenPhoto itself. I wend to admin and tried to enter a new user but, of course, no database exists.
Do I just reinstall ZenPhoto? I started doing this and, under advanced options, it asks if I want to create a new database. Do you know if that's going to over-write all of the databases? If I choose to not create a new database, it wants to know my user name and password, which, of course, no longer exist.
thanks again
Maybe I found it. I see a file <site>/<zenphoto folder>zp-core/setup.php.
Is that what I run? There are a bunch of other setup php's there; setup-functions, setup-sqlforms, setup-setmod, and a bunch more.
Best always to have available the alternative reset options--email address, and on v1.4.2, password challenge/response.
The only method of installing Zenphoto that we know works and can be supported is described here
That does not mean that the third party installers don't provide useful capabilities, it is just that if they go wrong you will have to ask their authors for help as we have no clue as to what they do behind the skins. Sadly, password problems seems one of the topics that continually comes up associated with these installers.
As for your question about the username and password in relation to not creating a new db my "best guess" would be that it wants your db user and db password. Of course it is just a guess.
When in doubt, back up your db and give it a run. That way at the very least you can get back to where you were.
The setup script that comes with zenphoto works quite well to get you up and running. The only real thing you need to do in your case is to get rid of the administrator table and then create your new admin account when zenphoto prompts you for it. Oh, and keep your password somewhere safe so you don't have to do this again. :P
Oh, and Mark, I do keep a good record of passwords. The problem wasn't that I didn't have it; none (either admin or any of the galleries) of them worked.
I really appreciate your help as I stumble through these things
I am beginning to suspect that its problem is that it does not do release to release migrations correctly.
Of course I was joking with you about the pw's. I wasn't even sure you needed to update any other accounts but I'm happy to hear that the update of the table worked out.
Now to upgrade myself to 1.4.2 and hope all goes smoothly.