ZP Focus Theme After Upgrade?

Hi all,

I was looking for some help please! My sites upgrade is now completed - www.jerseyshorerr.com. Unfortunately the previous theme (zpFocus_v1.4) was not compatible with the new version had it had to be disabled. The site is now using the default Garland theme. I was wondering if this theme developer has an updated version for their theme compatible with this new version

This is the following error I get when trying to use this previous theme.


Jim - KB2UNK


  • I've just tried the latest version of this them on the the release, the 1.4.2 Release candidate, and the current development branch.

    For it works with only one issue--`$zpfocus_rss` needs to be initialized at or about line 68 of the theme's functions.php script.

    For 1.4.2 and beyond there are some uses of deprecated RSS funtions so the deprecated functions plugin needs to be enabled and the error messages for these functions disabled.

    The developer's site link can be found here http://www.zenphoto.org/theme/zpfocus/zpfocus-index.jpg.php
  • Hi Sbillard,

    Thanks for the fast reply, but also, then how do you edit the $zpfocus_rss in the functions.php script? I am a novice, so some directions on how to try this in the meantime, until I can contact the theme developer, would be great and useful too! I started out thinking that the ZenPhoto and ZenPage would be user friendly, but lately I am noticing it is already over my head in most cases as far as modifying or changing themes, etc...

    Best regards,
    Jim - KB2UNK
  • You may not see the error caused by this non-initialization. I think it will normally be supressed in release versions of Zenphoto. So if you see no errors, just ignore all that follows.

    You need to use a text editor that handles unix style line endings. find the file named `functons.php` in the theme folder. Go down to line 68. That should be just after a comment. Insert a line that reads `$zpfocus_rss ="";` then save the file.

    On Windows I use notepad++. notepad itself will not be pleasant on unix line endings!

    You might want to make a copy of the theme before this just in case.... gir, the author, frequents here pretty regularly, so maybe he will jump in shortly.
  • Hi SBillard,

    Thanks very much for this info. and I will try this - this evening. But, if I get in over my head, could you possibly fix this for me and I'd be certainly willing to PayPal you a fee payment for your work and if you can't do this, can you recommend also someone who could fix this them for me? Or I could also do a donation to the ZenPhoto Site via PayPal too.

    Also, I do hope that the developer checks in soon! I see that he is working on his own site and it looks like he is also in the process of updating his templates from the message in his home page: http://www.gjr-web.com

    Also, just in case, if you or he or some other programming guru that can do this theme incorporation for me- you can also e-mail me at jim@wildfire-ent.com.

    Thanks for all of the help and I really do like ZenPhoto, I just wish it was easier to upgrade versions and themes. I was badly hacked as I'm sure you know by the .ru hackers from right around Thanksgiving time here and hacked on 3 of my sites that use ZenPhoto and it has been a bear and so time consuming to put these all back to working order.

    Thanks again for all of the help and advice. My main site for this is www.jerseyshorerr.com.

    Jim - KB2UNK
  • gjr Member
    Hi all - I should have 1.4.2 theme releases out tomorrow in order to test for the upcoming 1.4.2 release. These should have already resolved the issues discussed above.
  • Hi gjr,

    There you are! Fantastic! Thanks so much for updating me and for enlightening me that your new theme upgrade should solve my current issues with my new ZenPhoto Upgrade! Should I have problems with your theme upgrade, would you be able to install this for me for a fair price fee? I have (2) sites that were using your template before the upgrades... www,jerseyshorerr.com and www.village-lutheran.org. Please let me know and I am happy to PayPal some $$$ over to you for your time, etc...

    Jim - KB2UNK
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