"Object not found" / "The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found."


first of all: Thanks a lot for Zenphoto, it has been working like a charm so far.

However, since just having updated (from to the currently latest version, I see a strange behaviour:

* For a non-registered user, everything is fine:

(1) the overview page (startpage with the galleries under http://www.domain.tld/zenphoto/) works

(2) the album page works (http://www.domain.tld/zenphoto/albumname/)

(3) the detail page works (http://www.domain.tld/zenphoto/albumname/filename.JPG.php)

* But for a registered user (e.g. the admin), the overview page (see no. 1 above) does not work.

Instead, the user is redirected to http://www.domain.tld/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php.

And under that URL, I get this:

"Gallery | Object not found"

"The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.
Album: zp-core/setup.php"

I've tested all possible variants of mod_rewrite on/off, setting UTF-8 vs. ISO charsets, explicitly setting the paths in the zp-config.php and disabling plugins. All without any improvement.

Also, logging out and in again or clearing cookies did not have any effect.

I am using the default theme, no modifications.

The Setup files (directory zp-core/setup as well as zp-core/setup.php) have been moved away.

Any hint, any idea shall be gratefully appreciated!

Thanks in advance & best regards from Germany,


  • Best to re-upload the setup files and let setup run. Most likely there is a configuration change detected by Zenphoto that requires a re-run of setup. If so then re-running will solve the problem.
  • Thanks a lot for the quick reply and the hint: Re-uploading and re-configuring indeed did the job, zenphoto now works again.

    However, I stumbled upon the message...

    Zenphoto core files [Some files are missing or seem wrong]

    Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:
    (and many more)

    This seems to be something that quite some people in the forum have seen. However, after double-checking and making sure all the files are there with rights correctly set, I decided to ignore this message and it worked out.

    Maybe there is some issue in that mechanism?

    Thanks a lot again for Zenphoto and for your help!

    Best regards,
  • Most likely this is caused by the date differences among the files, so you can ignore it. It was probably caused when re-uploading the setup files. But, if you do have strange problems it would be a good idea to upload the complete release package to insure that all the files are from the same release.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Just as a sidenote: Since uploading all the files takes quite a while especially for all the zp-core files this note might also appear if you do that...
  • I am pretty sure that the file date should not be the reason fpr the error message, as...

    - I also tried to download the zenphoto installation directly to my webserver, unpacking the archive there

    - I even tried to set the file date to exactly the same timestamp using "touch"

    ...however, the message appears but the installation seems to work out fine ;-)
  • The message comes only if the file is missing or has a date timestamp that is "out of range".
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