Example 1
http://perioddrama.com/zenphoto/index.php?album=1911 - 2011Example 2
http://perioddrama.com/zenphoto/index.php?album=A Beautiful Mind 2001Above you will see that I have embedded a youtube video of a film in the description area. I am downloading the trailers and placing them in the gallery area, too.
Is there away to play my own downloaded video instead of pulling from Youtube?
I am not a coder, so an example would help me figure it out, if it is possible.
Many Thanks. ZP is getting to be the know-all, see-all of webscripts.
Another way is the "youtube trick" using the text-object plugin:
Quite a while back a user made up something that requires theme changes (I neither tried nor do I know if that still works):
(Sidenote: Downloading videos from youtube and providing them directly on your own site is most possibly a violation of copyright if you did not create these videos yourself. That will surely not be the case for film trailer, right? There is a reason why there no official way to download videos on youtube! (similar counts for all the photos you host...). But of course that is your problem but be prepared)
My problem lies in needing the one line of code to call the player and video.
I have flowplayer on my site for other purposes and have no trouble with it.
I cannot figure out how to incorporate it into ZP.
I have tried the following without success.
1. Using the code I've been successful with on my webpages.
I have tried this in the description box, the custom data box and the codeblocks.
2. I have tried Flowplayers examples, both basic and standalone configurations in zen's description box, custom data box and the codeblocks.
3. I have tried to understand the user guide and function guide but that is not for us mere mortals.
4. I have looked into paid support but that seems to be for something that is above and beyond the current structure of ZP.
5. I have checked all zp tutorials on youtube.
6. I've combed the forums for answers but nothing is exactly what I want or less than a few years old.
I simply need to know the code line call (if that's what you call it) and where it is placed - to have a video open to play when clicked on - rather than using the Youtube Code, which is not always my source. I have the trailer, itself on my website in two places - the zen album and a secondary directory called "trailers" for use by a stand alone flowplayer page.
I eventually will have a site with over 1000 albums, each containing a trailer and images. If I cannot get this video function to work, I will have to seek an alternate way to display all that I need to. If you google "period drama", I am the first listing, so this is a serious site. I would like zp to be a big part of it if I can accomplish this task. If it is a paid support issue, please tell me how to ask for it. I am a 65 year old senior widow who is self-taught and doing websites since 1997 - but cannot figure this part without help.
I am NOT on a shared server. I rent my own server - if that means anything.
Thanks for anything you can do.
Genie http://perioddrama.com
You can embed flowplayer videos via tinyZenpage (the zp button on the tinymce editor). That is however not enabled for albums. You have to make your own config file for tinymce. See the examples included.
Other than that you have to embed the flowplayer code directly using ``. See flowplayer.org for more info on that. Or use the youtube tipp above which is not really difficult.
Note: It is not necessary to post your link every time. Note that we will delete them if you continue this. This forum is not for gaining SEO ranks. Thanks.
From the Flowplayer site, this is the code to embed into the ZP description area, using the html view.
<object id="flowplayer" width="300" height="200" data="http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf"
<param name="movie" value="http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf" />
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="flashvars"
value='config={"clip":"http://blip.tv/file/get/N8inpasadena-Flowers457.flv"}' />
I have substituted my own urls and all works as desired.
Thank you once again.