assign read access based on user on subalbums

I'm trying out Zen Photo again, has been a while. I could not find the following. I have read the /documentation on user rights and I have read 2 threads that handle about the same subject but I could not determine how to do it in the GUI.

1. I have albums 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011
2. Inside these albums I have subalbums for the fotos I made with the family
3. I now want to give read access to subalbums based on users ergo: I expect on each subalbum a pulldown menu where I can select the users who should be able to see it.

I can't determine how. I made all "private". I made the owner of all albums simply myself. All are published.


  • You cannot provide access rights to users for subalbums--this functionality applies only to the root album. so your only option is to change your organization so that the "user" is the root album for the photos.
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