My web site got hacked and now my Zen Photo Albums can not be viewed. I get the index page to come up but when I click on a album I get redirected to a web page which is a reported attack page. I've upgraded to Zen Photo version Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Of course, the new installation should be with zenphoto 1.4.2. But simply updating can leave hacked files around that allow the hacker to perpetuate the hack.
There are numerous possibilities how someone could get in. If the permissions on file/folders are too loose anyone can sneak in. If you use other tools it could have been that. Your computer/browser could have been hacked. It also did happen that servers in general have been hacked.
You need to look at your server logs to find out. Best contact your host as well.
There are some good procedures for site cleansing posted elsewhere here by some users. But basically, they involve looking for such php files as you discovered and also looking at any .htaccess file on the site.