
I clicked "Image Info" links, no responsed.
Left bottom has a yellow exclamation points.
Click it popup a error report:
Object doesn't support this property or method
index.php Line: 21

Who can help me?


  • People will be able to offer help if you help them understand what you are running.

    What version of zenphoto?
    (bottom of admin overview page)

    What theme are you using?
    If your problem is coming from the index.php in your theme and it is not a unmodified supported theme this will be impossible to help without knowing what the line is that is causing the trouble. However if you are using an unmodified 3rd party theme that others might be using perhaps someone that uses it could offer some assistance.

  • I think you need to enable the colorbox plugin first.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Indeed you need to enable hte colorbox (or change the theme to not use a colorbox for display). If you get this js error you either don't use a current standard theme or a third party theme. Standard themes should not show this error.
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