Not sure if this is expected behavior, or just a limitation of the slideshow plugin. (using 1.4.2, testing on Zenpage theme)
Using Colorbox and slideshow plugin. Slideshow plugin has colorbox mode activated.
When you navigate to an image you have a button below the image to start the slideshow from the image being displayed, works great.
Now, when you navigate to an image from a search, you have the same option to start a slideshow while viewing an image. When you start the slideshow however, the slideshow starts from the first image in the search set, not the currently displayed image.
it seems to be an issue with slideshow link during search process.
when you are login (only to avoid http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/ticket/2057, but not necessary with fix)
- on search page : do a search which returns only pictures : you have slideshow link on search page
if you navigate on an image returns by the search : you have slideshow link on image page
- on search page : do a search which returns only albums
if you navigate on an album returns by the search : you don't have slideshow link neither on album page neither on image page (of course, there is more than one picture in the albums returns by the search)
- on search page : do a search which returns albums and pictures
you have slideshow on search page
if you navigate on an image returns by the search : you have slideshow link on image page
if you navigate on an album returns by the search : you have slideshow link on album page and image page
=> zenphoto needs to have pictures in the search to displays slideshow link on all the pages
I do the same tests with default theme, and no there isn't sildeshow link.
I will add the tests above and snapshots on the ticket of gjr
So the slideshow plugin is enable and I do some ctrl-F5 to refresh cache after every tests.