comments pagination breaks css rules on zpardoise

vincent3569 Member, Translator
zenphoto 1.4.2 introduces comments pagination.

some themes don't work well with this new feature (zpArdoise, and zpGalleriffic as far I have tested it).

in these themes, there is a css rules on <div id=comments>.
but this div is included in the pagination and the display of comments is not correct (existing css rules are broken and I have no other div to apply new css rules).

is-it possible to add a <div id="comment-wrap"> to wrap pagination and comments list ?

it could be for example :


3 commentaires

This content will be replaced when pagination inits.

bourganel: on 10/01/2012,



if needed, I could create a ticket for that


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We have of course not tested with other themes so it might require additional css rules to work flawlessy. The feature is of course optionally so just disable it.

    I don't understand I think. There are classes or ids on all elements you can address. You could even wrap the entire comments stuff within another element if needed (I don't know these themes).
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