Number of Thumbnails in a mixed album (sub-albums and images)?

Hi there,

this is my first question in this forum, so I hope, I can describe my problem properly enough.

I use Zenphoto on my website (brass band), and sometimes I have albums with sub-albums and images. I use a design of 3 columns and would like to have 12 elements on each page (= 4 rows). If the number of sub-albums is not divisible by 3, the number of the elements is different from 12, see here:

Is there any workaround for this problem?

Greetings from Germany!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The settings of albums/images per page must match the html/CSS setup of the theme. There are options for that (given the theme does not override them which is possible).
  • I think it should match.
    The width of the <div> in which the thumbnails are placed should be responsible for the number of columns. In my example 3 columns are shown, so I wrote 3 in the theme settings for album thumbnails and image thumbnails. And in the intention to have 4 rows, I wrote 12 as value for "thumbnails on page", which works perfect for albums, that only contain images, albums or both, if the number of sub-albums is divisible by 3.
    See here:

    3 sub-albums, 9 image thumbnails as requestet (sum = 12)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto has an option for "separate" or "combined" for albums with images and albums. If combined is selected a transition between albums and images is calculated and sometimes does not match. Try setting "separate" therefore. Options > Theme
  • I did try the sperate option, but I do not like it.
    Maybe you could add the correct calculation of items in combined albums as a feature request for an upcoming version of Zenphoto. ;-)

    Thanks for helping!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you try an official theme? GEnerally that works. Feature request or possible bug reports on the bug tracker please.
  • There is a different setting for album thumbs than for image thumbs since they may well not be the same size. And there is a correct calculation of these items if you have correctly specified.
  • Settings for my theme:

    albums: 3, 12 (thumbs per row, thumbs per page)
    images: 3, 12 (thumbs per row, thumbs per page)
    12 items (12 albums)
    12 items (3 albums, 9 images)
    11 items (2 albums, 9 images)

    I can't see any error in my settings, <div> for album thumbs and image thumbs have the same width as you can see by look at the 2nd and 3rd example.

  • This is a problem with your theme. You really should not be mixing the album/image thumbs on the same line. Quite confusing and not what the computations are projecting.
  • Hi sbillard,

    sorry for the late answer: I think, you're not right. Look here:

    In this album, there is one sub-album (avatare) and many images. I use the standard theme "default" with the standard style sheet without any modifications. Theme settings are: albums: 2 thumbnails in each row, 6 thumbs on each page. Images: 5 / 15. COMBINED!

    As you can see in the link above, in the first row is the sub-album followed by 3 pictures. There is no break between the albums and the images, no "clear all" or something. And as I said: I didn't change anything in this theme.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I fear I have to agree that something is not right with the calculation. I just tried and was also not able to create an even display. With an album with 1 sub album and 12 images I tried albums 2 thumbs row / 6 page and images with 6 per row and 12 per page. With one album I get that one album and only 6 image (3 too less to make the row even as it would be expected).
  • Sorry, wrong copy/paste above: Settings are:
    2 album-thumbs each row, 6 on the page
    6 image-thumbs each row, 18 on the page
    = 3 rows
  • But I think there is no satisfying solution for this problem: Due to the variable CSS-Settings for album thumbs and image thumbs, zenphoto isn't able to determine, how many image thumbs would fit beside a non complete row of album thumbs. There should be sort of "break" (new line) after the album thumbs, if "combined" is selected.

  • Yes, indeed. That is whatI did say. You should put a break after the albums. That is a theme issue.
  • This "theme issue" also concerns the "default" theme.

  • solved:
    Edit the album.php as following:

    <div id="images" style="clear: both">


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is btw meanwhile fixed in the default theme (differently actually via the css file)
  • In 1.4.2 or in a nightly build?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course nightly build, otherwise it would be naturally...
  • OK.
    I like Zenphoto! :)

    Greetings from Germany!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Greetings from Germany to Germany actually (in my case..;-))
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