Lens Info in the exif module

I am a newbie around here and I must admit that I have absolutely no ideea about php programming. I have installed zenphoto from your site and I have this problem:
When I choose wich fields to show in the image details (exif area) I checked among others the "lens info" field.
The page shows correctly all other fields (like shutter speed, iso, aperture) but no lens info. I have a Nikon D7000 and 3 lenses: 2 tamron and 1 nikkor. I can see the requested info on my computer using irfan view or lightroom. Is this a bug or there is something wrong I did.
PS. I tried all other themes (include the default theme) and no result...
Thank you very much and excuse my poor english.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The exif stuff is not theme dependent. Some camera vendors are known to not follow the exif specifications exactly so maybe they don't store it correctly and your tools "correct" that. #

    My collegue will be of more help later today as he is more versed with the exif stuff.

    PS: Your English is actually fine.
  • If is not theme dependent, then must be a glitch in the exif module because this information is not listed no matter the camera(Nikon model) or the lenses I've used. I have pictures on my website taken by Nikon D40, D80, D90 or D7000 and with lenses as Tamron 28-70, Nikon 10-24, 70-300, 18-55... etc. I've readed that the Nikon exif model is supported. It is possible this error to be generated by Lightroom ? No matter the camera or lenses, all images are exportd from Lightroom.
    I will try and use a Nikon dedicated software to verify and I'll be back with an answer.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    My colleague will know more soon. I recall however that someone did report Lightroom not following the standard (maybe search the forum).
  • I doubt that Nikon has made just your cameras report wrong. Since this works fine for me with a Nikon D40, D70, D200, and D300s maybe you have disabled or hiden the field in your options settings?

    Or maybe Lightroom has corrupted the fields. Try an image directly from the camera.
  • I found the problem and I'd like to share somehow for everyone to see it. I trust that either the zenphoto developers will fix this or a forum admin will put this somewhere where anyone can see.
    Lightroom has a problem with the exif coding. I have exported same picture from Lightroom and ViewNX and surprise... ViewNX reports everything just like it should be. But Lightroom didn't.
    Hope that help you and others.
  • The only way to overcome this Lightroom thing is to work with XMP sidecard... This is the only way I was able to insert the right exif info into the file description :(
    As you know, xmp file is used by Lightroom and Photoshop for storing the corrections made over a picture without affecting the source. I didn't find any software to read those modifications. Any suggestions?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, I use Photoshop CS3 and if I enter image info it works fine for me (although I don't really photograph so I rarely use care personally for these exif stuff). I had issues with Bridge CS3 (on Mac) which did not attach any meta data unless I resave an image with Photoshop afterwards.

    Zenphoto has a plugin for reading xmp sidecar files.
  • I know, this is what I'm trying to do right now. But is very hard to put a xmp from lightroom. You have to copy and then edit the file by hand :( All I wanted is to filter images by lens type...
  • I'm sorry! It was about Lens type! Now, I see. Anyway, just replace "lens info" with "lens type" in all posts above. The problem remains.
  • Best file a ticket on this. It may take some time to investigate. (We have "adopted" the EXIF code abandoned by its original author and it is a bit of a chore to reverse engineer it.)
  • I have the same problem. Lens type is inside the image but does not shows up. I've looked inside the canon.php in /zp-core/exif/makers but it does not contain the list of the code and Canon lenses.

    I've found a similar problem from coppermine:
  • Hello

    I confirm that this problem comes from Lightroom (LR3.4 in my case). You can compare :
    is the image converted with nikon capture NX : lens data are correct
    is the image converted with LG : no lens data except focal lenght. Or maybe it comes from one LR plugin ?? It's anyway a LR problem..
  • Hello again

    I must add to my previous message that using exiftool, I can see that the Lens model data are in my file : they are stored in ExifTag n° A434. I think it comes from quite new Exif 2.3 specifications. Maybe this model is not implemented in zen photo yet ?
    You can find a lot of discussions on this in Adobe Lightroom forum (for instance).
  • Back again !
    I just had the code :

    case 'a434': $tag = 'LensInfo'; break;


    in the file exif.php, in the function lookup_tag, and everything is now ok.
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