In the past I could trick zenphoto into displaying my thumbnails from images too large for the server to process. I could upload smaller versions, have the server create the _595.jpg and the 85_thumb.jpg, save those. Then when it failed on the larger 12mp image, I could re upload the previously created 595 and 85 and it would work fine.
After upgrading to the latest version today, zenphoto isn't displaying the thumbnails. Looks like zenphoto is trying to create new ones every view, then fails on the large 12mp images. The uploaded 595 size images are all there and displaying fine.
If anyone has any ideas on what I can do, please let me know.
now DSC_1234_85_cw85_ch85_thumb.jpg
Thank you, and 3000+ times to Bulk Rename Utility!
I have to rename a huge quantity of thumbnails files : what bulk rename utility did you use ?
Windows will allow you to rename a selected set of files. It will name them with the string you provide and append a counter to that.