error access when uploading large file

Hello I'm a new user of ZenPhoto and i'm experiencing some problems with the upload section:

The problem reside in the size of the file to upload, who definitely wan't want to pass the 10Mo bar ( max_upload-size defined to 700M to be sure), i have tested with 9Mo mp4,flv and zip files and it works.
The type of error is strange: You do not have proper rights to access /zenphoto/zp-core/admin-httpupload/uploader.php.

I precise that i'm testing ZenPhoto on win7 with wamp server.

I show you the overview:

Zenphoto version 1.4.2 [8956] (Official Build)
Current locale setting: French_France.1252
Current gallery theme: Default
PHP version: 5.3.5
Graphics support: Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible) de la bibliothèque GD pour PHP
PHP memory limit: 512M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
MySql version: 5.5.8
Database name: zenphoto
Table prefix: zenphoto_
Spam filter: none
CAPTCHA generator: zenphoto

11 active plugins:

ajaxFilemanager v1.4.2
class-video v1.4.2
deprecated-functions v1.4.2
hitcounter v1.4.2
jplayer v1.4.2
security-logger v1.4.2
tiny_mce v1.4.2
user_login-out v1.4.2
zenphoto_news v1.4.2
zenphoto_sendmail v1.4.2
zenphoto_seo v1.4.2

16 active filters:

1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminGate
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_action
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminLoginLogger
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_adminAlbumGate
0: zenphoto_news.php => printNews
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_admin_XSRF_access
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_federatedLoginLogger
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_guestLoginLogger
1: hitcounter.php => hitcounter_load_script
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_log_setup
1: security-logger.php => security_logger_UserSave
5: zenphoto_sendmail.php => zenphoto_sendmail
5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters
5: zenphoto_seo.php => filterAccentedCharacters_js
5: tiny_mce.php => tinymceConfigJS
1: jplayer.php => jplayerJS
1: jplayer.php => jplayer_playlistJS
1: user_login-out.php => colorbox_css
9: deprecated-functions.php => _emitPluginScripts

I have tried with a fresh install too and the same error occur.. :/

Any idea?

Ps: here you can see some logs
2012-01-23 11:44:00 Blocked access cyrp Cyr P Failed /zenphoto/zp-core/admin-httpupload/uploader.php
2012-01-23 11:49:28 Blocked access cyrp Cyr P Failed /zenphoto/zp-core/admin-jQuery/uploader.php


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you try another upload type as there are three? Also you can always upload via FTP directly bypassing any server limit (except space naturally.;)).
  • Yes, i've tried jquery, flash and simple http method, the 3 fails when the 9Mo limit is reached (http error in flash method for example).
    The ftp method work but this is not adapted for a lambda user (other potential users than me), but this is my vision :p

    Sorry for my poor English. >.<
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are you sure that the upload limit your has really been raised? Sometimes servers "lie" about settings. Try another image maybe.
  • Ok, i've found the problem:
    With 'upload-max-filesize' There are another variable to fix : 'post_max_size'
    it could help other users

    thanks ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Indeed, easily forgotten (I did as well...).
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