After upgrading from 1.4.2 from, I noticed that my images were coming up right. In Gallery, I just get the default image placeholder. And in Albums, I don't get anything to show up at all.
Here is an example of the image links:
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/34_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.jpgLOGGED OUT:
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/_{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.pngI tried it across all browsers, same effect.
<div id="alt-galleries">
<ul class="alt-galleries">
<?php $lastcolnum=3;$listall=''; ?>
<?php $x=1; while (next_album($listall)): $lastcol="";
if ($x==$lastcolnum) {$lastcol="id='lastcol'"; $x=0;} ?>
<li class="alt-gallery" <?php echo $lastcol; ?>>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>">
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(),NULL,228,155,228,155); ?>
<span class="album-gallery-bottom"><?php if (getNumAlbums() >= 1) { echo getNumAlbums() . " Sub-Albums "; }?><?php if (getNumImages() >= 1) { echo getNumImages() . " Images"; }?></span>
" title="<?php echo getBareAlbumTitle().' ('.getAlbumDate().')'; ?>"><?php echo getBareAlbumTitle(); ?></h4>
<?php $x++; endwhile; ?>
I upgraded to 1.4.2 from and now my images aren't showing on gallery & albums. Just the default image from ZenPhoto. When I'm logged into ZenPhoto, this is fine, but when I'm logged out, no images display. Tried this on all browsers.
Below is the image link off the Gallery page when I'm:
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/34_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.jpg
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/_{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.png
Here is the code on my Gallery Page
<?php $lastcolnum=3;$listall=''; ?>
<?php $x=1; while (next_album($listall)): $lastcol="";
if ($x==$lastcolnum) {$lastcol="id='lastcol'"; $x=0;} ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>">
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(),NULL,228,155,228,155); ?>
<?php if (getNumAlbums() >= 1) { echo getNumAlbums() . " Sub-Albums "; }?><?php if (getNumImages() >= 1) { echo getNumImages() . " Images"; }?>
" title="<?php echo getBareAlbumTitle().' ('.getAlbumDate().')'; ?>"><?php echo getBareAlbumTitle(); ?>
Any ideas?
I upgraded to 1.4.2 from and now my images aren't showing on gallery & albums. Just the default image from ZenPhoto. When I'm logged into ZenPhoto, this is fine, but when I'm logged out, no images display. Tried this on all browsers.
Below is the image link off the Gallery page when I'm:
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/34_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.jpg
http://adjenz.com/funnypics/cache/34 Reasons Not To Post Your Picture On The Web/_{zp-core}_{images}_imageDefault_w228_h155_cw228_ch155_thumb.png
Any ideas?
I'm still messing around with it.
Do you have any idea why ZenPhoto would add (logged out):
instead of
"34" (the name of the file)
(logged in)??
I'm just going to skip 1.4.2 for now. If you need anything else from me, I'll check back later.
Thanks. I love ZenPhoto and have been using it for years. It's nice how I have it going hand and hand with WordPress.