When I click the Generate sitemaps button in the admin I get a blank page..
My PHP log says:
Call to undefined function printSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras()
Any idea what this could be?
I have seo_locale plugin active and mod_rewrite works.
I DO have a custom home page though..
EDIT: That's odd I did a search/scan for the `printSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras` function in it looks like the function does not exist??
I changed
`$data .= getSitemapGoogleImageVideoExtras(1,$loop_index,$albumobj,$images);`
and all was good :-)
I have 2 more questions though:
- on Google Webmaster Tools I added the URL /index.php?sitemap
But I guess I need a cronjob to trigger sitemap updates am I right? Is there any other way to access the sitemap creation outside ZP's admin? I mean if there are any updates the sitemap somehow needs to reflect that and pusshing the button every time is prone to be forgotten..
- After finding the typo I copied the `sitemap-extended` folder and `sitemap-extended.php` file over from /zp-core/zp-extensions/ to /plugins/ to make the correction.
On the admin zp-core/admin-plugins.php I saw the plugin listed with the ZP icon (new in 1.4.2)
I thought that the icon ment to plugin is scoped from the zp-extensions/ directory but to my surprise it loaded the corrected version from the plugins/ dir.
So my question here is.. which one takes precedence? The one from the plugins/ dir?
When I am upgrading ZP I can just override zp-extensions/ dir with the default extensions? I don't need to delete them? But what about the icon? A bit confusing.. it should be clearly defined in zp-core/admin-plugins.php if the plugin/extension is ZP or custom I think.
No, the site map is only generated on admin request. The former way was that it could update the cached files automatically (like the static_html_cache can). But it appeared that this might overload some sites/servers especially if the googleiamgealbum addition is enabled. Then on sites with lots of images quite huge lists are generated. We therefore choose to change that.
2) The "zp icon" does not mean "new", it means actually "officially included plugin" (any plugin author now can choose its own icon for 3rd party plugins and also themes).
Generally you should not have two plugins of the same name, no matter where, you should at least rename it to sitemap-extended-custom. You probably confused Zenphoto. I don't think there is an order for that case (it is for special plugins that can have custom user stuff like a comment_form within /plugins or a theme, then the custom stuff gets priority).
Best is you remove the custom one, then the official and then re-enable your custom one. Note that you cannot move all plugins from zp-extensions to plugins as some have code paths that will not work without a change.
This latter is done so that things like custom forms and css can be placed in the user version of the folder to override the officially provided files.
The easiest to see the changes is to use an svn client.