Automatic registration of a user

Hi guys. I need that users are automatically registered by Zenphoto without approving by a manager. Is it possible?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is a plugin for self registering included called "register_user". Also search the forum about that.
  • Ah, thanks. I am working on the test env. without set up mail server, so I do not see the process of self-registration.
  • Two things.

    First of course the plugin must be enabled.

    Second, if you are already logged in you will not see the registration form (because, naturally, you must already be registered.)

    There is a development tools repostiory that contains a plugin to allow for "pseudo mail" for such environments as you are running. It will place the mail message in a text file in the zp-data folder.
  • @sbillard: thank you for useful info. could you help me to find this plugin?
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