I use ZP 1.4 and when we edit text, we see in HTML-view of the editor tags.
when we save the imagedescriptions, all these tags are stripped, all text is in one line.
But funny: ordered lists are saved
I tested locally on my local server with the same configuration files in zp-extension/tinymce than on the webserver.
Locally the breaks are kept, online the breaks are deleted.
I do not find an option / configuration where I can define that I want paragraphs / linebreaks.
In old version before update (1.2.1) TinyMce worked as expected, now it is "conter-productive" ...
What to do????
TinyMCE should actually save line breaks and paragraphs and it does for me with our default config files. Those are located at `zp-core/zp-extensions/tiny_mce/config`. In case unknown you can put custom ones into `plugins/tiny_mce/config/` if needed.
Also check the "allowed tags" option under Options > General. Might have gotten lost with your update.
I am of course referring to so details may have changed since 1.4.0
But I swear I did not touch these entries in the options, but they were different on the localhost and the webserver
maybe one of the versions I used to upgrade step by step entered these options and upgrades did not alter that.
But I am really astonished. I swear I would never disallow a linebreak, I am also not torturing cats ;=(
Thank you for the help